Yin Yang Midnight/Episode 9

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Yin Yang Midnight
Episode 9
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KazunariGuys, check it out!
KazunariThe collab video is done!
SakuyaOh, I want to watch!
KazunariLet’s all watch together!
SakuyaI’ll go get everyone else!
BanriHuh, it’s well-done.
KumonSakyo-san and Citron-san both look so cool!
CitronI finally settled on a pose!
GuyJust as I thought. Furuichi’s acting is better than in the first take, and so is everyone else’s.
AzumaThe effects make it look even nicer.
TasukuI can’t believe this was made by a student.
TsumugiIt looks like a movie.
SakuyaI want to watch the whole play like this!
TaichiI bet everyone’s gonna be talking about it once it’s revealed!
SakyoPeople will have high expectations.
IzumiAre you feeling the pressure?
SakyoNo, bring it on.
Izumi(And before we know it, it’s the day of the show....)
(The PV had a good reception, so our guests have high expectations. Sakyo-san said he wasn’t feeling any pressure, but...)
Izumi(Looks like I don’t have to worry. He’s focused.)
AzumaDuring practice, I was thinking about what we all have in common, and—.
CitronI know! We’re the old crew!
GuyNo, we’re missing Arisugawa and Utsuki.
AzumaThat’s not it. I was thinking we’re similar because our various circumstances meant we couldn’t experience the kinds of childhoods we might’ve desired.
We each have different experiences, but I think we all must’ve felt really lonely.
Sakyo...Now that you mention it.
GuyI see.
CitronBut that means we’ve got lots and lots of egg-sighting things left to do in life!
AzumaFufu, you’re right.
SakyoI used to think that growing up meant chipping away at your own potential; it meant giving up on one thing after another.
But then I joined this troupe, and ran into so many things I couldn’t give up on.
The troupe members inspired me, and....
I was moved, watching a brat half my age desperately trying to carve open a future for himself.
SakyoInstead of quietly giving up, I felt like I was better suited to live while desperately clinging on to my dreams.
...Giving up and deciding that it’s “a dream that will never come true”—that might be a curse of sorts, too.
GuyYou’re right. But you can change that into a positive curse by saying it’s “a dream that will definitely come true.”
CitronThat’s right.
SakyoOur lives might not have been gentle. We were probably missing what others seemed to naturally have.
But that’s why our lives are full of things left undone; they’re overflowing with things we want to do.
AzumaThat’s what we all have in common.
Izumi(Because of their experiences, they can keep moving forward... Everyone looks cheerful and calm. They’ll be all right.)
Everyone, the show’s about to begin!
CitronThen, as an onmyoji, I shall cast a spell.
This opening day will “definitely be a success”! Hmm... Kyukyu-meow-meow-meow!
GuyIt’s Kyukyunyoritsuryo.
AzumaYou’ve made it sound quite cute.
SakyoWe’ll make it a success even without a spell.
—Let’s go!
Noble A“I hear another one passed away.”
Noble B“Again?”
Noble A“At this rate, it will reach the imperial court....”
Noble B“Perhaps we ought to get an exorcist.”
Izumi(The Heian period, with a regal aristocratic culture blossoming in the capital...)
Head of the Onmyoji“Seimei, you know of the epidemic spreading through the town, right?”
Seimei“I do.”
Head of the Onmyoji“This has been kept secret from all but a few of us, but—the Emperor has collapsed.”
Head of the Onmyoji“If the court learns of this, it will invite pointless confusion. And if the worst comes to pass for the emperor, there will be war.”
“We need him to recover no matter what. Carry out the purification ritual with haste.”
Seimei“Yes, sir.”
SeimeiJyoshinju, jyoshinju....
Kou“This job sounds like a real pain. You’re basically just cutting off a lizard’s tail, you know?”
Seimei“Cut the unnecessary commentary, Kou.”
Kou“Fine, fine.”
Kou“...Here it comes.”
Kou“It got away.”
Seimei“...Just now, that was.”
Kou“See? That’s why I told you it’s a pain.”
Seimei“The emperor’s life is in danger. We need to hurry—.”
Izumi(Sakyo-san has an integrity perfect for Seimei’s image, and Azuma-san’s otherworldly, bewitching charm stands as a great contrast to that.)
(Plus, their exchanges are perfect. They might sound curt, but you can tell they trust each other.)
Head of the Onmyoji“A vengeful spirit? Nonsense. The barrier surrounding this imperial court is perfect. Such an evil being could never reach our emperor; it is simply impossible.”
Head of the Onmyoji“Seimei. Do you intend to blame the failure of your purification ritual on some vengeful spirit? You may be talented, but you are too prideful.”
Seimei“—That was not my intention.”
Head of the Onmyoji“Then step down. I shall assign someone else to perform the ritual.”
Kou“Leave that thick-skulled lot alone. Sooner or later, even a fool will figure it out.”
Seimei“I can’t do that. At this rate, the epidemic will only claim more lives.”
Kou“If you become an eyesore to the higher-ups within the Onmyo Bureau, you won’t be able to move around this court freely.”
Seimei“Even so, I can’t stand by and do nothing.”
Kou“My, how serious. Don’t come complaining to me when you regret it later.”
Seimei“Enough of your rubbish. Tell me how the investigation went.”
Kou“I told you. The barrier surrounding this court is perfect; nothing we can do about that. There’s no way an evil spirit could make its way in.”
Seimei“So was the head correct...?”
Seimei“—Geppaku!? You came back!?”
Geppaku“I returned yesterday. It has been a while.”
Seimei“I see. It certainly has been.”
Geppaku“I am glad you look well.”
Seimei“You too, Geppaku—you look like you’ve grown far stronger.”
Geppaku“Thank you. I hear rumors of your accomplishments even outside of the capital, Seimei-dono.”
Seimei“No, I am but a powerless....”
Geppaku“You look down. Is something the matter?”
Seimei“...Have you heard of the epidemic making its way through the town?”
Geppaku“Ah, yes, I hear the cause is a mystery.”
Seimei“A vengeful spirit is likely at the root of it. But I haven’t been able to catch its tail...”
Geppaku“...If you don’t mind me helping, I would be glad to.”
Geppaku“I do not know how useful I will be, but let me know if there is anything I can do.”
Seimei“No, that is exactly what I need. Nothing is more reassuring than your help, Geppaku.”
Seimei“Tell Geppaku every detail you’ve uncovered about the vengeful spirit’s curse.”
Kou“I don’t know how I feel about this.”
Seimei“Your feelings are irrelevant.”
Kou“Fine, fine.”
Geppaku“Your shikigami seems to be quite the character.”
Seimei“He gives me so much trouble.”
Geppaku“But I can sense his great power. As expected of Seimei-dono.”
Seimei“Geppaku, how about you? How did your training go? Tell me everything later.”
Geppaku“I am no match for you, Seimei-dono.”
Seimei“Nonsense. Our mentor said that our talents were on equal grounds, remember?”
Izumi(Citron-kun’s Geppaku has a unique air about him. He looks foreign, yet his movements and gestures are perfect so he doesn’t seem out of place.)
Seimei“So this is where the vengeful spirit was spotted.”
Kou“It’s close to where the first patient fell ill. The timing matches up, too.”
Seimei“I don’t know if that’s the cause, but it’s worth looking into.”
Townsman“Are you the one who wanted to talk?”
Seimei“I’d like to ask you about the vengeful spirit sighting.”
Townsman“Aye, that was a night where I had plenty to drink. There was a will-o'-the-wisp floating right around this stone monument.”
“It was a mighty ominous color, and I was so surprised that my knees gave way. Don’t remember anything after that.”
Seimei“Stone, huh... I wonder if it’s just some small spirit causing mischief. Kou, see if there are any similar set-ups around here.”
Kou“Goodness, you really like to kick your shikigami around.”
Seimei“What a number. And, just as I thought, this arrangement is....”
Kou“A powerful curse. It’s been cleverly scattered so as to surround the imperial court. Whoever did this must have a lot of time on their hands.”
Seimei“It just means they loathe the court that much. Removing just one or two of these will have no effect. We need to defeat the very figure who set this up.”
Kou“You’re going to fight this malicious loser? I personally wouldn’t recommend it.”
Seimei“Fetch me Geppaku. We’re going to come up with a plan.”
Kou“Don’t blame me when you regret this later.”
Izumi(Seimei works with Geppaku to uncover the curse. He attempts to lure out the vengeful spirit....)
Seimei“This is the next location. I’m sure of it. Kou, hide me and set up the trap.”
Kou“Yes, yes.”
Seimei“Here it comes...”
Seimei“It got away—?”
Kou“No good. This one is a real troublesome opponent—it has both power and intellect.”
Seimei“If we let it roam free, it will surely cause immense damage... We need the support of the Onmyoji Bureau.”
Seimei“Geppaku, I’ve been granted permission. We can finally move about the court freely now.”
Geppaku“That is wonderful. Then I shall continue to search for the curses scattered about the city.”
Seimei“No, Geppaku, I’d like you to investigate the court as well—.”
Geppaku“I do not have permission to enter the imperial court, after all.”
Seimei“Do not worry. I’ve spoken to the Onmyoji Bureau about that.”
Geppaku“They will be shocked to see someone like me walking about the imperial court.”
“There’s already an unidentified epidemic going around; they will wonder what kind of catastrophe I will bring forth next.”
Seimei“That’s not—.”
Geppaku“Humans fear foreign bodies. I am sorry I cannot be of assistance to you.”
Seimei“Kou, investigate the impurity within the court grounds.”
Kou“That’s a back-breaking job. What happened to your friend?”
Seimei“Geppaku is not allowed inside the court.”
Kou“Oh my? Is he blocked by the barrier?”
Seimei“No, he says people would be shocked to see him walking about....”
Kou“Oh, I see.”
Seimei“...Geppaku was supposed to belong to the Onmyoji Bureau, just like me. Our mentor had high hopes for his talents as well.”
“But those hopes never manifested because of his heritage.”
Kou“I see. So that’s why he’s so twisted.”
Kou“You haven’t noticed? Goodness, someone’s certainly innocent about the ways of the world.”
Seimei“What do you mean?”
Kou“I mean what I say. Your friend isn’t the kind of person you think he is.”
Seimei“I won’t let you insult Geppaku like this.”
Kou“My, my, well excuse me, then. I don’t understand how humans think.”
Izumi(Despite his exasperation, you can tell that Kou really cares for Seimei...)
Seimei“To think that we’d find curses within the court as well....”
Kou“Even I wouldn’t be capable of making my way through the barrier and setting up such a powerful curse.”
Seimei“Only a human could accomplish such a task. Which means the spirit we failed to catch the other day was somebody’s shikigami....”
“There aren’t many people in this country capable of employing such a powerful—.”
Kou“What’s wrong?”
“Kou, we’re going to return the curse with a counter-curse.”
Kou“Are you serious? Even you won’t be able to withstand the sheer resentment it carries—it’ll swallow you.”
Seimei“There’s no use continuing this never-ending game of tag. We’ll finish it in one go.”
Kou“Goodness, you’re surprisingly quite the extremist.”
Izumi(Seimei takes the resentment upon himself, and attempts to return the curse...)
Seimei“—gh, ugh...”
Kou“This is bad. Hey, Master—.”
Seimei“—counter-curse, kyukyunyoritsuryou!”
Kou“This one’s really stubborn.”
“—All right, now you can’t get away.”
Hisui“—gh, aaah!”
Seimei“What is your purpose? What do you desire? Chaos in the capital? The emperor’s life?”
Hisui“No reason, for me to tell... Guh.”
Seimei“Who is using you?”
Hisui“I will stay silent even if it costs me my life—.”
Kou“I can finish him off right now, right?”
Seimei“Yes, that’s fine.”
Kou“It’s punishment time.”
Seimei“He disappeared...?”
Kou“Tch. Looks like the mastermind has finally made his move.”
Seimei“...Kou, follow the spirit. We’re going to find out who this person is.”
Kou“Goes without saying—.”
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