Magicians' Pure Love/Episode 10

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Magicians' Pure Love
Episode 10
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PeténThe world’s in recession now, I wonder if there’ll be any good business request coming in.
KielI thought looking for job is not a part of a magician’s job.
PeténIt’s not that I want to play manager too.
KielI want to make a name for myself before I retire though.
KigutsudouPetén, are you here?
Magicians' Pure Love Episode 10-1.png
PeténOh, Kigutsudou. It’s been a while.
KigutsudouSo that child over there is the rumoured disciple.
PeténHe’s Sugu Kiel. Kiel, this is an old friend of mine, Kigutsudou.
KigutsudouNice to meet you.
KielSame here.
PeténSo, what’s going on?
KigutsudouActually, there’s someone who would like to request for your Magician Show.
PeténI’ve already retired though. How about Kiel?
KigutsudouAh, hmm, it’s from someone who has taken care of me so I can’t really refuse.
PeténShould we listen to your story first then.
KielPlease don’t decide on your own.
PeténI’m your manager, aren’t I.
KielI thought you said you don’t want to play manager just now.
PeténYou said you wanted to make a new tool for your escape trick right. It’s good to start collecting money early.
KielWell, that’s true but…
Izumi(Masumi-kun and Chikage-san’s interaction has a nice feel to it.
There’s also the way the script was written, I’m starting to get hooked.
They seemed to close their distance during the duration of the performance this time, they’re surprisingly a good combination.)
*Short Time Skip*
PeténIt’s a private party in the mansion, huh.
KielThen, will it be a close-up performance?
KielIt’s when you do the magic trick right in front of the audience, usually for a small amount of people.
KigutsudouAh, I see.
It’s a private residence this time, but there would be a small hall there.
The client is Ritchie Marney…
He ranked very high in the list of real estate kings in the magazine every single year…
Mr Marney is a connoisseur, he created an art museum on his premises to display his collections from all over the world.
Every year, he opens his house for 3 days 3 nights to showcase those collections, it seems that he called us to be in that demonstration.
PeténIt sounds like a good business. Take the job, Kiel.
KielPlease don’t just selfishly decide like that.
PeténI’m the president of this office. I have the authority to.
KielYou just do whatever you want…
KigutsudouPetén, you won’t do magic anymore?
PeténKiel can earn for me now. So I’ll stay behind the scenes.
KigutsudouWhy not become a puppet artisan then?
With your hand I’m sure–
PeténI don’t have that kind of talent like my father or grandfather.
KielPuppet artisan?
PeténWell, might as well tell you.
My family has been living by making dolls for generations.
KigutsudouI’m actually a disciple of Petén’s father.
Master was a wonderful artisan…
PeténUnfortunately, I didn’t inherit any of those.
KigutsudouI wonder. But you chose magic right.
KielWhy not master appear together in a show with me for once.
PeténThe old wound I received on the battlefield hurt, I couldn’t really move my hand anymore.
KielI don’t see any scar though.
PeténI did some cosmetic surgery.
KielI saw you when you were stealing my pudding, it didn’t look like someone who can’t move their hands.
PeténI’m still a genius magician. I’ll be waiting for Sugu Kiel to catch up to me.
I hope you’ll be able to reach my expectations through that escape trick you called magic.
KielSomething like magic is… I just unlock my way out. If you’re talking about magic, it should be something like Mirage’s Show right.
KielShe’s taken the earth by storm, a genius magician who suddenly disappeared a few years ago.
PeténYou’ve also taken a liking to her.
KielI was just stating a fact.
Izumi(Itaru-san’s Kigutsudou is, a bit mysterious but he’s close enough to Petén, the atmosphere around these three people feels so natural.
It seems like the actual relationship of these three people is projected through this scene.)
*Shifts to Mansion’s Lounge*
Magicians' Pure Love Episode 10-2.png
MarneyAh, for the rare magician, Kiel, to appear before me, I’m honored.
Usually, every year, I would let everyone who’ve been in my care to see my collection, but I thought I could change things a bit this time.
I want you to do an escape magic show using my collection, how about that.
KielBy collection you mean those valuable items?
MarneyYes, well there’re all sort of stuff, but every single one of them is unique in this world.
KielIf I just happened to break any of those–
MarneyThat nervousness can definitely raise the tension of the show.
Whatever, I believe in Kiel-san and I’ll leave everything in your hand.
KielWell, we can put it inside tempered glass, I think there’s a method for that…
PeténEven when we don’t use your collection, I’m pretty sure Kiel can deliver a show that will satisfy the audiences.
MarneyBut that’s just like any other show.
This time, I want to request for a show that you can only see here.
Petén…What will you do? Kiel?
KielTo be honest, I don’t really feel like it…
PeténYou said that, but rejecting after we’ve come this far is…
KielI thought you were going to listen to me.
KielPlease take all the necessary safety measures.
I’ll pay close attention to the precautions as well.
MarneyOf course, my friend!
The one I want you to use this time, is this one.
KielBisque Doll, is it?
Marney“Luchenne of The Lakeside” in terms of monetary value, it’s not as expensive as the others, so there will be no problem even if something happened.
KielNot as expensive…
PeténIt’s an antique doll with diamonds as eyes right.
Maybe worth around ten million.
KielTen, ten million……!?
MarneyWhat about it, it’s my money.
Izumi(Citron-kun’s Marney too, still kinda detestable but he has that dignified feel.
If not careful he might become a hated character, but thanks to Citron-kun, he becomes a charming person.)
*Short Time Skip*
PeténSo you’ll be using the Bisque doll during the climax on the third day.
I have to think for the whole composition of the show during the three days so as not to make it boring…
???Wha, what’s this!?
PeténIt’s lively over there.
KomaMarney-sama! I found something in the entrance–!
MarneyWhat is it.
“I’m going to save Luchenne from your captive. Phantom Thief Face.” it said!?
KomaShould we do something about this!?
MarneyCall the police!
*Short Time Skip*
Magicians' Pure Love Episode 10-3.png
KanagiI’m Kanagi from the Metropolitan Police Department, let’s hear what you have to say.
KielIt’s about the notification letter from Phantom Face.
KanagiDo you know about this.
PeténWe happened to be there.
KielBut anyway, who is this Phantom Face?
PeténYou don’t know about it?
KielPetén-san, you know?
PeténHe appeared in the television and newspaper, he’s famous isn’t he.
KanagiHe’s a thief who continuously aims for antique items. He will send a notification letter before stealing. I really have to catch him this time–
KielWith this situation, I wonder if the party will be cancelled.
KanagiAbout that, Mr Marney seems to be going with the initial plan. He cannot adjust because he has friends who cannot change their schedules.
KielThen, what happened to using the Bisque Doll as a prop?
KanagiYou can continue as planned.
PeténIt became an absurd request.
KielWho received the job in the first place.
*Shifts to Mansion’s Lounge*
KielThen, we’ll keep the tempered glass for the escape magic—
By the way, I can be careful not to break it, but I cannot promise that I can protect it from Phantom Face.
MarneyI’ll leave it to Detective Kanagi for that matter, so no problem.
In the worst case, it’s going to be stolen, or left with minor scratches…
But no matter what, it’s weird.
KielWhat is it?
MarneyI have other collections that are much more expensive than this one.
For him to choose a Bisque Doll among all those things…
PeténDo you want use to use your other collections for the magic?
MarneyNo, it’s just a thought about Phantom Face.
Anyway, I’ve already announced it.
The audiences are looking forward to it.
*Shifts to Hall*
KielLadies and Gentlemen.
Tonight, let’s enter the into the realm of dream in this moment.
Audience AWoah…!
Audience BThat’s so great. It reminds me of Mirage’s show.
Audience CIt’s true that Mirage was great, but I think he’s better.
Izumi(Masumi-kun’s magic trick is really great.
He really looks like a pro magician here.
He is performing the magic trick as Kiel, but the reaction of the audience on stage is linking to the actual audience.)
KigutsudouThat’s a wonderful performance.
PeténIt’s great to have an excellent disciple.
KigutsudouI thought you’re an excellent magician too.
PeténWithout any business tool, I’m out of business.
*Shifts to Corridor*
PeténSo what are you going to do on the third day?
KielRather than doing it in the same hall, I was thinking if we can change to a different place.
KielI haven’t decided though.
PeténWill you make it in time?
KielWell, I have until tonight.
PeténSigh, you’re an excellent disciple you know.
I think you would be able to surpass Mirage.
KielThat can’t be. She is—Her very existence is art itself.
PeténYou’re so deep into your first love.
Kiel–You, you’re wrong! It’s just that, she’s the magician I admired since I was small and she’s what I aim to become–
PeténRight right. It’s too blinding for an old man like me, you’re going to crush my eyes.
*Shifts to Mansion’s Lounge*
KomaOjousama, it’s dangerous to stay here.
I’ll try to figure out a way to escape…
PeténAh, isn’t he the servant, Koma?
Who is he talking with?
KielThat is—Luchenne!
PeténOi oi, does that mean that Phantom Face is this guy?
KomaHi, hieee!
Koma'*runs away*'
PeténHe’s behaving pretty suspiciously.
KielLet’s go and tell Detective Kanagi!
*Short Time Skip*
KomaIt’s a misunderstanding! I wasn’t trying to kidnap Luchenne-sama!
PeténKidnapping you say, you’re being suspected for theft.
KielThen, what were you doing loitering around there?
KomaThat is–
KanagiIt’s useless to hide anything.
KomaI, I was, I was just there to fix Luchenne-sama’s hair!
PeténWhat do you mean by that?
KomaBut honestly, It was all Marney-sama’s fault.
He kept passionately seeking for Luchenne-sama.
But since she entered this family, his affection for her just faded and thrown out of the window.
I was lamenting for Luchenne-sama’s situation.
KanagiEntered the family?
KomaOh, poor Luchenne-sama…!
Without any affection, she’ll rot away!
KanagiEh, so what you mean was, Koma-san was doing maintenance on Luchenne, right?
KomaI personally take care of her!
KanagiI, I see.
PeténWell, it’s true that it’s well taken care of for such an antique item.
KomaOf course! Luchenne-sama’s glossy hair and shiny eyes too, there’s no other like her in this world!
She’s made by a contemporary doll artisan. Kigutsudou-san will understand too, those delicate face and limbs—
Such a wonderful being and he wanted her to be involved in such a dangerous escape magic–
KielSo, you’re a doll maniac.
KanagiIt seems so.
PeténWell, you’ll be happy if you were the doll.
Izumi(Sakuya-kun’s Koma is a bit different, but he has such a pure and passionate love. He really puts on a good performance.)
*Shifts to Corridor*
KielPetén-san, where did he go?
Even thought I told him to have a meeting about tomorrow…
Wait, is that maybe, Mirage?
*Shifts to Mansion’s Lounge*
KielKigutsudou-san…? He’s looking at Luchenne…?
*Shifts to Corridor*
Kiel…Why did he run away.
PeténSo, you’re here, Kiel.
To forget the timing for a meeting, you fail as a pro.
KielWho forgot about it. I contacted Petén-san but it never got connected, I was looking for you this whole time.
PeténAh, that was my bad.
KielReally… By the way, just now I saw Kigutsudou-san looking at Luchenne but…
When he realized I was there, he immediately left and ran away.
PeténHe’s just looking at them for reference isn’t he.
KielI feel that there’s something more to it…
PeténIt can’t be, are you going to say that he’s actually Phantom Face?
That is impossible.
KielAh, then Mirage was–
PeténMirage again huh.
You should stop it already, why not just find a new love.
KielTha, that’s why, I don’t have that kind of feelings towards her, it was just admiration!
*Shifts to Storage Room*
Izumi(Kigutsudou’s suspicious behaviour… Kiel who found the shadow of Mirage…
We were enveloped by such a disturbing atmosphere, and the party finally reached the morning of the third day–)
PeténO, oi, Kiel! Look at this!
KielThe tool is… broken?
PeténThat’s cruel…
KielWell, it was about time to get a new one, but for it to be broken on the actual performance day…
PeténSo what are you going to do?
You were planning to use this for the escape magic on the third day right.
KielI have no choice but to change the program.
PeténBut Marney’s request was for escape magic.
I don’t think he would accept otherwise.
KielEven if you say that, without the tool…
*Shifts to Mansion’s Lounge*
MarneyI heard all about it. It’s so sad to hear that the tools are broken.
KanagiIt doesn’t matter that it’s just a small thing.
Leave the investigation to us.
KielThank you.
PeténMarney-san, it’s about the show–
MarneyYou don’t need to worry about that! I’ve prepared a substitute!
MarneyIt’s a bit sudden, but I managed to get that Mirage to come!
To be able to see the comeback show directly from my own home, it will be a great present to everyone who was invited here.
KielMirage is!?
PeténI see, so now we’re useless.
MarneyAbout the tools, we’re also partly responsible.
I will send the rewards for all three days properly, if you would like, the two of you could stay and enjoy the show too.
KielTo be able to see Mirage’s show again….
PeténYou’re simply too happy.
KielThat’s not it–!
*Shifts to Corridor*
KielMr Marney seemed to be very confident, but is the security really perfect?
KanagiWe’ll only put up Luchenne in front of the audience on the last minute, it will be the security guard who handles her transfer too.
After Mirage is tied up with Luchenne using the chains, she will try to escape while hanging from the East Tower.
Mirage will remove the chain from Luchenne and herself, afterwards, Luchenne will be put back to the side of the stage and we’ll guard her from there.
KielIf Face decided to attack during the escape performance, Mirage wouldn’t be able to handle it by herself.
KanagiMirage and Luchenne will be bounded by the chains, so even Face wouldn’t be able to take her away.
Of course, we can’t really offer help to Mirage then, but we planned to secure the surrounding area as much as possible.
KielIt’s fine if we can do something about the opponent, but if something actually happened to Mirage… It would be a great loss in the world of magic.
KanagiAbout Mirage, is she really such a wonderful magician?
KielShe’s a genius. She’s able to change people’s complexion through that vivid performance of hers.
Even from a pro’s point of view, her performance is like magic.
KanagiEven Kiel-san?
KielI’ve seen Mirage’s show before, it’s her magic trick that made me admire magic so much now.
KanagiI see…
By the way, do you know anything about her personal life?
KielLet alone the face, there is so little known about her private life. She’s a very mysterious magician.
Why do you ask such a thing?
Kanagi…Previously, Phantom Face had appeared in the middle of Mirage’s Show.
This time, it’s the repeat of the same thing, I think it might not be a coincidence anymore.
KielMirage is not Phantom Face!
KanagiBut, there’s a possibility that they’re related–
KielImpossible! For a person with such pure and clear magic, she won’t use her show to steal…
Kanagi… Sorry. Let’s just forget I said that.
KielYou suspected Mirage…?
Mirage is not related at all. I’ll prove it.
Izumi(Tsuzuru-kun, he said he will try his best for his role study, but in the end it became a Tsuzuru-kun like character who is filled with humanity.)
*Short Time Skip*
KielPetén-san and—Kigutsudou-san?
Kiel*peeks into the room*
KigutsudouI’ll do anything I can for Mirage, but I can’t guarantee that it will work.
PeténThe truth is, I don’t want to let it be this way, my disciple will end up crying so.
KielEh? –What’s the meaning of this?
Things that he can do for Mirage… I’ll end up crying?
Izumi(He was suddenly attacked from behind, and he woke up to a pitch black view…)
Magicians' Pure Love Episode 10-4.png
KielHere is…?
Am I actually trapped here…? Anyone, why do they even… Tch, to do such a thing, there’s no one else but Phantom Face.
Does that mean that Face has already sneaked in to the mansion?
But then, why me…
The only way I can think about it, is that I was in the way of him stealing Luchenne. The fact that he broke my tools, it must be for the same reason too.
Is it because I tried to catch Face for Mirage’s sake?
But, my tools were broken before I heard about Mirage and Face from Kanagi-san.
That means, there must be another reason he broke my tools.
Even so, maybe the reason my tools were broken was to prevent me to hold the show—
Is it so that the show can be given to Mirage?
As I thought, there’s a relation between Mirage and Face—
No, that’s impossible.
I don’t believe that Mirage will use magic to steal.
From the beginning, why was Face so wary about me…
Maybe I have already approached Face without me knowing?
It’s no good. I have no idea at all. If I recall correctly, Petén-san and Kigutsudou-san were talking before I lost consciousness…
Ah right, Kigutsudou-san said that he will do anything for Mirage, but what does that mean?
Petén-san, is he connected to Mirage after all?
I don’t understand at all. Anyway, first thing first, I have to get out of here.
An escape show without an audience is pointless. It will be great if Petén-san realized I was missing and come to search for me but…
I shouldn’t get my hopes up.
The chains are wrapped around my arms. If that’s the case there should be a lock somewhere—
–, there it is!
Alright, if that’s it…
…It’s opened!
*Shifts to Storage Room*
But, this lock… Is Petén-san’s…
I have no choice but to ask him directly.
Ah, I have to hurry! Mirage’s show is starting…!
Izumi(Masumi-kun’s long dialogue and escape show…
It’s only a while, but with the escape scene, as expected, you can really feel the tension.)
*Shifts to East Tower*
Audience AKyaaaa!!
Audience BThat’s amazing. How do you even escape from that state?
*Shifts to Outdoor Stage*
KielMirage… So she’s using her own body and Luchenne to release herself from the strangling chains…
If Face were to steal Luchenne, he would do so during the middle of the show when Luchenne was separated with the police, most probably before her successful escape.
It is difficult to steal Luchenne when she’s chained like now…
If that’s the case, now, the one that Mirage has is fake…?
No, but the police has been monitoring the situation even before the show started…
There’s no way that he can switch it beforehand.
When will Face make the appearance to steal Luchenne?
I have to figure it out soon otherwise the show will end… If it was me, if I needed to get my hand on Luchenne in the middle of an escape show…
He can unlock the lock beforehand.
In the first place, Luchenne and Mirage’s locks are not removed simultaneously. Even though they looked like so.
If so, before Mirage removes the chain and return to the ground, when Luchenne’s lock is removed, that will be the easiest time to steal Luchenne.
A place where you can reach Luchenne—The tower’s window!
*Shifts to Tower Entrance*
PeténSo you managed to escape after all.
I raise my hand already, you’re really an excellent disciple.
KielPetén-san, why.
PeténLuchenne was made by my great grandparents.
He was deceived, and Luchenne was one piece that ended up in auction after it was lost.
KielYou can still stop it. This kind of thing is–
PeténIt’s too late.
PeténI’m sorry.
KielWait, Petén-san!
*Shifts to Outdoor Stage*
Audience AKyaa!
Audience BMirage is shattered–!
Audience CMirage is a doll!? What’s the meaning of this!?
Audience BIs this a part of the show?
Audience AAmazing…!
KielThat’s not true… That was, the real one is…
I see, that’s why Kigutsudou lent his power to Mirage…
There’s also the fact that Phantom Face is Mirage…
KigutsudouLuchenne… So I didn’t make it in time…
KigutsudouEven though you ended up sacrificing yourself.
I’m sorry, Mirage.
KielWhat do you mean by that.
KigutsudouI’ve already realized that Petén is Phantom Face from the first incident.
But I didn’t think that we’ll find his great grandfather’s work in Mr Marney’s collection.
KielKigutsudou-san, what did you do to Mirage?
KigutsudouMirage was originally made by me. When I was studying as a disciple under Petén’s father, I was asked to create a doll to be used in shows.
But, an escape show leaves a heavy burden on the doll.
It was damaged to the point that I had to retire it.
That’s the truth behind the story of disappearing Mirage.
Petén asked me to repair it so it can withstand just one more show…
There’s nothing I can do.
I didn’t want him to sin anymore than this.
Sorry, Kiel-kun too, I’m sorry.
KielNo, I was…
KigutsudouThank you, for loving Mirage.
Izumi(This is a scene where Masumi-kun found difficulties with during practice…
Kiel lost his first love and his tears are so pure, it’s beautiful.)
*Shifts to Mansion’s Lounge*
MarneyI’ve decided to leave my collection under Koma’s care from now on.
I feel that I’ve been too disrespectful with the history of all my collections.
I feel it in my body now. Those things are ephemeral.
I should play my part in preserving their history.
KigutsudouIf it’s Koma-san, I’m pretty sure the dolls will be happy.
KomaLeave it to me!
KigutsudouKiel-kun, what are you going to do from now on?
KielI’ll keep doing my work as a magician like I always do.
I lost my manager so it will be a bit boring, but Mirage’s magic hasn’t disappeared after all.
Izumi(He has such a refreshed look on him. Even though he lost Mirage, the magic of first love never disappear. It will always remain in Kiel’s heart forever…
With the magic of first love in mind, Kiel will continue to do magic from now on too…)
*Shifts to Mankai Stage*
Magicians' Pure Love Episode 10-5.png
MasumiThank you so much.
ChikageThank you.
ItaruThank you.
CitronThank you dayo~
SakuyaThank you so much!
TsuzuruThank you so much.
(…Hey, do you know? That you’re also an actor.
From the top of the stage, on the dimly lit seats, surprisingly I can see each of the audience’s face clearly. Even the change of their facial expression…
Even among the people in this crowd, I will always find you first.
If it’s not fate, how do you want to call it?
When I look at you who was watching my performance, I could feel an infinite power surging through me.
I understand what Kasumi said now. I feel that I have received the courage and I would be able to become anything, I would be able to do anything.
Since I met you, I’ve always seemed to be possessed, but I’ll brave anywhere for you.
I’m pretty sure, you’re my one fated partner in this lifetime.
And for me, love is…)
Magicians' Pure Love Episode 10-6.png
“Love is invincible.” By Usui Masumi
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Magicians' Pure Love
Episode 10
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Peten"The world's in a depression, so nothin' flashy is going on. Wonder if that's why we can't get a good business offer to come our way."
Kiel"Isn't it the manager's job to go out and look for work?"
Peten"You must be feeling pretty great if you're treating your mentor like a manager."
Kiel"You're the one who said you wanted to retire and started calling yourself that."
*door opens*
Kugutsudo"Peten, are you here?"
Peten"Yo, Kugutsudo. Odd of you to visit."
Kugutsudo"Is that young man your rumored disciple?"
Peten"He's Sugu Kiel. Kiel, this is my old friend, Kugutsudo."
Kugutsudo"Nice to meet you."
Peten"Alright, so what's up?"
Kugutsudo"The truth is, there's someone who wants to ask you to do a magic show."
Peten"I'm already retired, though. Is the offer for Kiel?"
Kugutsudo"Ahh, yeah, you see, I've been helped out a lot by this person, so I can't turn them down."
Peten"Let me hear the details."
Kiel"Please don't move things forward on your own."
Peten"I'm your manager."
Kiel"... You just said not to treat you like my manager."
Peten"You said that you wanted to buy a new version of one of the props for an escape trick, didn't you? It'd be better if you made some cash."
Kiel"That's true, but..."
Izumi(Masumi-kun and Chikage-san's interactions have a good atmosphere to them. There's also the fact that these roles were based on them, so they're really into it.)
(Because of this performance, it seems like the distance between them has shrunk, and they make a surprisingly good pair.)
Peten"A party at a private mansion, huh."
Kiel"Then it'll be a close-up."
Kiel"It's a type of magic you perform directly in front of a small audience."
Kugutsudo"Ah, I see. Though this would be performed at a private home, there is a bit of a hall there."
Kugutsudo"The client is Richie Money... A real estate tycoon who's listed in the rankings for top income earners every year."
Kugutsudo"Money-shi is a dilettante, you see. He's created an art gallery on his property, and they say he displays things he's collected from all over the world there."
Kugutsudo"Every year he hosts a party for three days and three nights where he shows off his collection, and it seems like this year, he'd like you to help with that demonstration."
Peten"Seems like a good business offer's fallen into our laps. We're taking this offer, Kiel."
Kiel"Please don't decide things on your own."
Peten"I'm the president of this office. I have the authority to make decisions."
Kiel"You're like this for everything..."
Kugutsudo"Peten, you don't do magic anymore?"
Peten"Kiel's the one making the money, see. I'm taking care of things behind the scenes."
Kugutsudo"Then what about becoming a dollmaker? If it's you, then——"
Peten"I don't have the talent that my father and grandfather have."
Kiel"A dollmaker?"
Peten"Guess I never mentioned it. For generations, my family's been making dolls and living off of that."
Kugutsudo"I'm the disciple of Peten's father. You see, my mentor is a very great dollmaker..."
Peten"Unfortunately, that wasn't passed down to me."
Kugutsudo"I'm not sure about that. But in the end, you chose magic."
Kiel"Why don't you appear in shows sometimes, too?"
Peten"The old wound I suffered on the battlefield in the past still pains me, so I can't really move my hands like I used to."
Kiel"You don't look like you have a single scar, though."
Peten"I had cosmetic surgery."
Kiel"Judging by how your hands move when you're stealing someone pudding, I don't really think your hands 'can't move,' though."
Peten"I'm leaving the frontlines to 'The Genius Magician: Sugu Kiel.' You should answer everyone's expectations by performing your escape tricks that are just like real magic."
Kiel"'Like magic'... All I do is open locks. If you're talking about magic, then that would be more like Mirage's shows."
Kiel"Taking the world by storm, she's the genius magician that disappeared several years ago."
Peten"You really do like her, huh."
Kiel"I'm just telling the truth."
Izumi(Itaru-san's Kugutsudo is mysterious but friendly with Peten, and the atmosphere of the three of them being together is very natural.)
(It's like they're projecting their real relationship onto the stage.)
Money"Oh my, to think that I've caught the eye of the extraordinary magician Kiel-dono. I'm honored."
Money"Every year, I put my collection on display for everyone that I've been in the service of, but this time, I thought I would change things up a bit."
Money"I'm thinking that I would really love for you to put on an escape magic show while using something from my collection."
Kiel"If it's from your collection, isn't it a valuable item?"
Money"Yes, well, their prices vary greatly, but each one is an outstanding item that is the only one of existence in this world."
Kiel"If, possibly, something happened to one of them, then——"
Money"That sense of anxiety should make the show even more entertaining. I completely believe in your ability, Kiel-san."
Kiel"Well, I suppose there are plenty of options like adding in reinforced glass, but..."
Peten"Even if he doesn't use something from your collection, I'm sure that Kiel will perform a show that will satisfy everyone."
Money"But that wouldn't be different from any other show. I want to request a show that can only be performed here."
Peten"... What do you want to do? Kiel."
Kiel"Honestly, I don't really want to..."
Peten"That being said, coming all the way here and turning him down would be a little..."
Kiel"I thought you'd say that."
Kiel"Please make sure to take all safety measures in order to ensure the item's safety. I will also be very careful."
Money"Yes, of course!"
Money"The thing I'd like you to use is this one."
Kiel"A bisque doll?"
Money"'Lucienne of the Lakeside.' In terms of value in money, it isn't as expensive as the others things, so even if something were to happen to it, there wouldn't be a problem."
Kiel"You say it isn't as expensive, but..."
Peten"It's an antique doll, and diamond was used for its eyes. Its value is probably around 10 million."
Kiel"T-Ten million...!?"
Money"What's wrong, that's not a big sum of money at all."
Izumi(Citron-kun didn't want to play Money-shi, but this is exactly what you'd expect from his presence.)
(If you play him carelessly, then he's a character that's easy to dislike, but because of Citron-kun, he's become a character that somehow has appeal.)
Peten"So we'll be using the bisque doll during the climax of the third day."
Kiel"So it seems. I have to think of three days' worth of programs that won't get tiresome for the audience..."
???"W-What is this!?"
Peten"It sure is noisy."
Koma"Money-sama! At the entrance, this was——!"
Money"What is it?"
Money"'I will save the captive Lady Lucienne. Phantom Thief Face' you say!?" [1]
Koma"W-What should we do!?"
Money"Call the police!"
Kaneshiro"I'm Kaneshiro of the Metropolitan Police Department. Please allow me to ask you some questions."
Kiel"Is this about Phantom Thief Face's calling card?"
Kaneshiro"Were you already aware of that?"
Peten"We just so happened to be there at the time it was found."
Kiel"In the first place, who's Phantom Thief Face?"
Peten"You don't know about them?"
Kiel"You know about them, Peten-san?"
Peten"They appear on TV and in the newspapers often. They're famous."
Kaneshiro"They're a thief who continuously steals antiques. They always send a calling card before they steal their target. We have to catch them this time——"
Kiel"If that's what's going on, then I wonder if the party will be canceled."
Kaneshiro"Well, it seems that Money-shi is planning on having the party as planned. He said that this time, he had many friends who rearranged their busy schedules just to attend."
Kiel"Then, we'll be using the bisque doll, too?"
Kaneshiro"Everything is supposed to go as according to what was already planned."
Peten"This's turned into quite the request."
Kiel"And just who was the one who accepted it?"
Kiel"Then, we'll be using it within this box of reinforced glass during the escape magic——"
Kiel"Also, I'll be very careful not to damage it in any way, but I can't promise that I can defend it from the Phantom Thief Face."
Money"Even in the worst case scenario that it's stolen, it's not a lot of damages... Still, it's strange."
Kiel"What is?"
Money"I have many more expensive things in my collection. So why did they choose this bisque doll out of all them..."
Peten"What about using something else from your collection for the magic trick?"
Money"No, then we'll really play right into Phantom Thief Face's hands."
Money"On top of that, I've already put out the announcement for the program. Everyone is looking forward to this show."
Kiel"Ladies and gentlemen. Feast your eyes upon tonight's fleeting dream."
Audience Member A"Oh my...!"
Audience Member B"How impressive. This reminds me of Mirage's shows."
Audience Member C"It's true that Mirage was impressive, but he's even better."
Izumi(Masumi-kun's magic is amazing. It's like he's really a pro magician.)
(Masumi-kun is performing actual magic as Kiel, so the lines of the audience members on top of the stage link with the actual reactions of the real people in the audience.)
Kugutsudo"He's brilliant."
Peten"He's an outstanding disciple; it's a big help."
Kugutsudo"I think that you're an outstanding magician, too."
Peten"Without my tool of the trade, I'm out of business."
Peten"What are you planning for the third day?"
Kiel"Rather than doing it in the same hall, I think I might change locations."
Kiel"I haven't decided yet, though."
Peten"Are you going to make it in time?"
Kiel"I'll make it before night falls."
Peten"Jeez, you really are an outstanding disciple. You've already surpassed Mirage."
Kiel"That's not true. She's——Her existence itself is art."
Peten"The thing they call first love sure is covetous."
Kiel"——N-No, you're wrong! It's just, I looked up to Mirage ever since I was a child, and she's the reason why I wanted to become a magician——"
Peten"Yeah, yeah. You're way too bright for this old geezer; I feel like I'm about to go blind."
Koma"My lady, being here any longer is dangerous. I'll think of some way to help you escape..."
Peten"Huh? Isn't that that servant, Koma? Who's he talking to?"
Peten"Hold on, does that mean he's the Phantom Thief Face?"
Kiel"Hold it right there——!"
Peten"He's really suspicious."
Kiel"We have to contact Detective Kaneshiro!"
Koma"This is all a misunderstanding! I wasn't trying to kidnap Lucienne-sama!"
Peten"Rather than kidnapping, you're under suspicion of theft, though."
Kiel"Then what were you doing so secretively over there?"
Koma"I was——"
Kaneshiro"Hiding things won't do you any good."
Koma"I-I was just fixing Lucienne-sama's beautiful hair!"
Kiel"Beautiful hair...?"
Peten"What is he on about?"
Koma"In the first place, Money-sama is the one in the wrong. Money-sama did indeed passionately chase after Lucienne-sama, but..."
Koma"When he finally received her as his bride, that ferverent favor became weaker, and he stopped paying attention to her. This causes Lucienne-sama great sorrow." [2]
Kaneshiro"R-Received her as a bride?"
Koma"Oh, poor Lucienne-sama...! Without love, she'll just decay away!"
Kaneshiro"Umm, so in other words, you were performing maintenance on Lucienne, Koma-san?"
Koma"I was looking after her!"
Kaneshiro"I-I see."
Peten"It's true that she's in good condition for an antique."
Koma"That's right! The rich luster of Lucienne-sama's hair, and the shine of her eyes—there is not another like her in the world!"
Koma"Even the modern genius dollmaker, Kugutsudo, recognizes her delicate face and limbs——"
Koma"Letting such a wonderful person be caught up in the danger of escape magic——"
Kiel"I guess he's crazy about dolls."
Kaneshiro"It seems like it."
Peten"Well, I guess the doll should be happy."
Izumi(Sakuya-kun's Koma is a bit odd, but he's a pure character who's overflowing with love and passion. He's performing well.)
Kiel"Where did Peten-san go? He's the one who told me that we were going to have a meeting about tomorrow..."
Kiel"Don't tell me, was that—Mirage?"
Kiel"Please wait!"
Kiel"Kugutsudo-san...? He's looking at Lucienne...?"
Kiel"... I wonder why he ran away."
Peten"So this is where you were, Kiel. You're a failure of a pro if you forget the time of your meetings."
Kiel"Who's the one who forgot? I contacted you, Peten-san, but you didn't answer, so I was looking for you."
Peten"Oops, that's my bad."
Kiel"Jeez... By the way, I saw Kugutsudo looking at Lucienne a little while ago, but..."
Kiel"When he noticed me, he ran away."
Peten"I'm sure he was just looking at her as a reference since he's a dollmaker."
Kiel"That's not what it felt like..."
Peten"Don't tell me you're going to say something like, 'He's the Phantom Thief Face'? There's no way that's possible."
Kiel"Also, Mirage——"
Peten"Mirage again. Why don't you look for a new love already?"
Kiel"I-I'm telling you that that's not the kind of feelings of admiration I have for Mirage!"
Izumi(Kugutsudo's suspicious movements... The shadow of Mirage that Kiel spotted... Amid the restless atmsophere settling in, the sun rises on the morning of the third and last day of the party——)
Peten"H-Hey, Kiel! Look at this!"
Kiel"My props... have been broken?"
Peten"This is terrible..."
Kiel"Well, I was planning on changing them out soon anyway, but to think that they'd be broken on the day of the show..."
Peten"What are you going to do? You were planning on using these for your escape magic on the third day, weren't you?"
Kiel"I have no choice but to change the program."
Peten"But Money-shi's request was specifically escape magic. If it's some other type of magic, he's not gonna be satisfied."
Kiel"Even if you say that, if I don't have my props, then..."
Money"I heard what happened. It must be terrible that your props were broken."
Kaneshiro"I heard that it was by unnatural causes. Please leave the investigation to us."
Kiel"Thank you very much."
Peten"Money-san, about the show——"
Money"If that's what you're worried about, there's no need! We have a backup in place!"
Kiel"A backup?"
Money"You see, it suddenly came to be that Mirage accepted this request!"
Money"I'm sure there's no better present for the guests I invited than seeing Mirage's revival show in my home."
Peten"I see, so that means we're being dismissed."
Money"I also hold some responsibility for what happened to your props."
Money"I'll give you the payment for the full three days, and if you two would like, please stay as planned and watch the show."
Kiel"I'll be able to see one of Mirage's shows again..."
Peten"You're way too happy."
Kiel"It's not like th——!"
Kiel"It seems like Money-shi is confident, but are you sure about the security of the safety measures?"
Kaneshiro"Lucienne won't be revealed to the audience until the very last moment, and she'll be under tight security."
Kaneshiro"It seems like after Mirage and Lucienne are put in chains, they'll be dangled from the top of the Western Tower and perform the escape magic in that situation."
Kaneshiro"Mirage is supposed to remove both her and Lucienne's chains, and then after she uses chains to get down to the ground, only Lucienne will be returned to the wings of the stage and security will take care of her."
Kiel"If Face tries to steal her during the escape, Mirage won't be able to deal with them on her own."
Kaneshiro"Mirage and Lucienne will be in chains, so even Face won't be able to take them."
Kaneshiro"Of course, in order for nothing to happen to Mirage, we'll be tightening security around her."
Kiel"It's fine if they're the type that that works against, but if something happens to Mirage... It would be a big loss for the world of magic."
Kaneshiro"Is Mirage really such an amazing magician?"
Kiel"She's a genius. Without batting an eye, she performs brilliant magic... Even to a pro's eyes, it's like real magic."
Kaneshiro"Even from your point of view?"
Kiel"I started to practice magic because I looked up to Mirage after I saw one of her shows."
Kaneshiro"Is that so... By the way, do you know anything about her personal life?"
Kiel"Setting her stage persona aside, I know nothing about her private life. She's a mysterious magician."
Kiel"Why do you ask?"
Kaneshiro"... Previously, the Phantom Thief Face appeared during one of Mirage's shows."
Kaneshiro"If the same thing happens this time, it'll be hard to think of such a thing as just a coincidence."
Kiel"There's no way that Mirage is the Phantom Thief Face!"
Kaneshiro"But there's the possibility that there's some kind of connection——"
Kiel"No way! There's no way that someone who does such pure, well-honed magic would use their show in order to steal..."
Kaneshiro"... I'm sorry. Please forget I said anything."
Kiel"Mirage is under suspicion...? She has nothing to do with this. I'll prove it."
Izumi(Tsuzuru-kun said that he would work on developing his role, and he's become a detective that's overflowing with the same kind human nature that Tsuzuru-kun possesses.)
Kiel"Peten-san and——Kugutsudo-san?"
Kugutsudo"I'll do what I can for Mirage, but I can't guarantee anything."
Peten"I was planning on leaving things as they are, though. But, you know, my discple will cry, so."
Kiel"Huh? ——What are they talking about? Doing what he can for Mirage... I'll cry?"
Izumi(He was suddenly attacked from behind. Kiel regains consciousness in the middle of pitch black darkness.)
Kiel"Where am I...?"
*knocking against the surface*
Kiel"I've been trapped...? Who did this to me, and why... No, wait, I'm sure Phantom Thief Face is the only one who would do this kind of thing."
Kiel"Does that mean Face has already infiltrated the mansion? But then, why me..."
Kiel"The only thing I can think of is that I was in the way of them stealing Lucienne. I'm assuming that that's why they destroyed my props, too."
Kiel"Is it because I was going to catch Face to clear Mirage's name?"
Kiel"But my props were destroyed before I heard about Mirage and Face from Kaneshiro-san."
Kiel"In that case, then my props being destroyed shouldn't have had anything to do with that."
Kiel"So then, the reason why my props were destroyed was so that I wouldn't be able to do my show——"
Kiel"So that Mirage could do the show instead?"
Kiel"That means that Mirage and Face are connected after all——"
Kiel"No, that can't be. There's no way that Mirage is using magic to steal."
Kiel"In the first place, why is Face so wary of me... Is it because I got close to Face without realizing?"
Kiel"It's no good. I have no idea what's going on. If I remember correctly, I heard Peten-san and Kugutsudo-san talking right before I lost consciousness..."
Kiel"Now that I think about it, what did Kugutsudo-san mean by saying that he would do what he can for Mirage?"
Kiel"Plus, does Peten-san have some sort of connection to Mirage?"
Kiel"I have no idea. Anyway, firstly, I've got to get out of here."
Kiel"It's not worth it to perform an escape show with no audience. It'd be best if Peten-san noticed I'm gone and comes looking for me, but..."
Kiel"That's pretty unreliable."
Kiel"The stuff that's wrapped around my arms are chains. In that case, there should be a lock somewhere——"
Kiel"——Found it!"
Kiel"Alright, with this I can..."
Kiel"... It opened!"
Kiel"But this lock... It's Peten-san's..."
Kiel"I have no choice but to ask him directly."
Kiel"I have to hurry! Mirage's show is going to start...!"
Izumi(Masumi-kun's long monologue and his one-man escape show... Usually, this is where the performance would start to drag, but it's just as you'd expect from him. The tense atmosphere is still there.)
Audience Member A"Eeek!!"
Audience Member B"That's amazing. Is she really going to be able to escape in that situation?"
Kiel"Mirage... She and Lucienne are immobilized by chains..."
Kiel"If Face is going to steal Lucienne, then they'll probably do it while Lucienne is away from the police during the show, and before their escape is completed."
Kiel"Since they're tied together by chains, it would be hard to steal Lucienne right now... In that case, is what's with Mirage a fake...?"
Kiel"No, but, until just before the show started, the police were supposed to be watching it... There shouldn't have been any way for her to be swapped out."
Kiel"Just when is Face planning on stealing Lucienne?"
Kiel"If I don't hurry, the show is going to end... If I were the one who was trying to steal Lucienne in the middle of an escape show, then..."
Kiel"You can leave that lock unlocked in advance."
Kiel"In the first place, there's no way that Lucienne and Mirage's locks will be able to be unlocked at exactly the same time. She's just pretending that she's unlocking them at the same time."
Kiel"In that case, before Mirage unlocks the chains and comes down to the ground, then the easiest time to steal Lucienne is when her lock is being unlocked."
Kiel"The place where you can grab Lucienne from is——the window of the tower!"
Peten"So you ended up seeing right through me, after all. You've gotten sharper. You really are an outstanding disciple."
Kiel"Why, Peten-san?"
Peten"Lucienne is my great-grandfather's creation. In the past, my father was tricked, and she's one of the ones that was scattered at the auction."
Kiel"It's not too late yet. You don't have to——"
Peten"It's already too late."
*snaps fingers*
Peten"I'm sorry."
*cloth flutters*
Kiel"Wait, Peten-san!"
*shattering noise*
Audience Member A"Eeek!"
Audience Member B"Mirage has shattered into pieces——!"
Audience Member C"Mirage was a doll!? What's going on!?"
Audience Member B"Is this a part of the show?"
Audience Member A"Amazing...!"
Kiel"You're all wrong... That's, the real... I see, so that's why Kugutsudo said that he would do what he could for... The Phantom Thief Face was also Mirage..."
Kugutsudo"Lucienne... You didn't make it in time..."
Kugutsudo"Even though I sacrificed you for that. I'm sorry, Mirage."
Kiel"What are you talking about?"
Kugutsudo"I realized that Peten was the Phantom Thief Face from the very first incident."
Kugutsudo"But I didn't think that one of his great-grandfather's creations would be a part of Money-shi's collection."
Kiel"Kugutsudo-san, did you do something to Mirage?"
Kugutsudo"In the first place, Mirage is my creation. In the past, when I was still studying under Peten's father as his disciple, I was requested to make a doll that he could use in a show, so I created her."
Kugutsudo"But the burden on a doll used for an escape show is very big. When she started to deteriorate quickly, she was retired."
Kugutsudo"That's the truth behind Mirage's sudden disappearance."
Kugutsudo"Peten asked me to repair her so that she could withstand just one more show... But I didn't do anything."
Kugutsudo"It's because I didn't want him to add to his pile of crimes. I'm sorry, I did something terrible to you too, Kiel-kun."
Kiel"No, I..."
Kugutsudo"Thank you for falling in love with Mirage."
Kiel"... *sniffles*"
Izumi(This is the part that Masumi-kun couldn't act out well during the first rehearsals...)
(The tears that Kiel sheds for his lost first love are completely pure, and very beautiful.)
Money"I'm leaving it to Koma to take care of my collection from now on. I've neglected the history that my collection holds too much."
Money"That's a lesson that's touched my heart. Things of this world are fleeting. I have to make sure to fulfill my responsibility of passing on history."
Kugutsudo"I'm sure the dolls will live in happiness with Koma-san."
Koma"Please leave it to me!"
Kugutsudo"What are you going to do from now on, Kiel-kun?"
Kiel"I'm just going to continue being a magician like always."
Kiel"It's a bit inconvenient that my manager's disppeared, though. But Mirage's magic still hasn't faded yet."
Izumi(A refreshed expression. Even if he lost Mirage, the magic of his first love still hasn't disappeared. It'll forever be within Kiel's heart...)
(Locking away his first love within his heart, Kiel will continue to perform magic from now on...)
MasumiThank you very much.
ChikageThank you.
ItaruThank you.
SakuyaThank you very much!
TsuzuruThank you very much.
(... Hey, did you know? Since you were an actor too, I guess you do.)
(From the top of the stage, you can almost surprisingly make out each person's face, even in the dimness of the audience's seats. You can even see the changes in their expressions...)
(Even though there are so many people, you're always the first one I find.)
(If this isn't destiny, then what would else could you call it?)
(When I see you watching me perform, an infinite amount of energy wells up inside of me.)
(I really can understand what Kasumi was saying. I can feel courage welling up, and I feel like I can become anything. I feel like I can do anything.)
(Ever since I met her, it's almost like I've always been in a delirious state, and I'm always full of courage.)
(There's no mistaking it. She's my once in a lifetime destined partner.)
(To me, love is...)
Masumi On Love.jpg
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  1. I'm not really sure which one is better, but the phantom thief's name is "フェイス" or "feisu" which would commonly be translated to "face" in English but it could also be "faith." I'm not sure which one it is, and "face" doesn't sound like a thief's name but... I'm assuming it's "face" because of the "double face" meaning to the persona?
  2. The word used here is commonly used to refer to someone being married, but to make it make a little more sense, I decided to word it as "received her as his bride."
  3. Masumi's note says: "Love is invincible." by Masumi Usui
