Magicians' Pure Love/Episode 5

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Magicians' Pure Love
Episode 5
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IzumiHey, Masumi-kun, I have something to talk to you about, is it alright.
IzumiActually, my husband’s transfer has been decided. I need to move out to a faraway place.
It seems that I have to quit the theatre troupe too…
IzumiI’m sorry.
But, even if we’re far apart, I’ll always support everyone.
About the troupe, I’ll leave it to you.
(No, wait… If you’re not here by my side, my acting too…)
*Shifts to Lounge*
SakuyaI’ve made copies of the script!
IzumiAlright, let’s get to the reading!
(It’s a story about a pair of magician master and pupil, who visited a mansion to hold a magician show, but they ended up getting involved with a mess caused by a phantom thief…
It started with a weird atmosphere, but followed up with a bittersweet ending…)
ItaruSenpai’s role, the master of the suspicious-looking magician, Uso Petén, really suits him.
TsuzuruWe decided the role beforehand after all.
This time, I wrote it with the image of the other members in mind as the basis.
The protagonist magician, Sugu Kiel[1] will be Masumi.
Petén’s old friend, the puppeteer, Kigutsudou, will be Itaru-san.
The millionaire owner of the mansion, Ritchie Marney will be Citron-san.
The hardworking servant, Koma, will be Sakuya.
Then, I really want to add a role of a detective in the development so I will be playing as Detective Kanagi… I’ll do my best to study his role properly.
IzumiIt suits everyone perfectly!
SakuyaKoma’s character sounds a bit complicated but, I’ll do my best!
CitronIt seems that I’m going to play another NG celeb!
Even the name sounds like a nasty high-up celeb!
ItaruWell, you’re the most millionaire like here.
ChikageYep, there’s no other choice.
CitronOh, I won’t be play the role because I’m a noble overflowing with dignity!
TsuzuruAre you bragging.
CitronMasumi, change role with me!
TsuzuruWait, he’s the lead!
Citron…I guess I have no choice, I’ll surrender~
Izumi(Masumi-kun, as I thought, he looks a bit weird…)
Then, let’s get into the script reading, make sure to build the image of the role you will be playing as.
From tomorrow onwards, we will start reading together.
*Shifts to Garden at Night*
*approaching slowly*
On the wall, I’m Minnie, but actually I’m Mary.
Masumi…It’s Citron behind me right.
CitronOn the floor, I’m Morris, on the ceiling, I’m a flying squirrel…
MasumiWhy does it suddenly become a flying squirrel.
What business do you have with me?
CitronI’m curious about how you read the script just now.
Maybe, were you empty sizing with the ending of Kiel’s first love?
Masumi… Empathize?
CitronThat’s it!
I thought you became nervous because of that.
Masumi… That’s actually, something that I requested from Tsuzuru.
CitronIt’s your request?
Why though?
What is love for you, Citron?
Citron… Love, huh?
<<… The thing about love is, it always involves both good and evil>>
CitronIt’s a saying from an old philosopher.
Love is the strongest force, one that will pull you forward, further than any other.
I’ve seen you, Masumi, always for Director’s love, trying your best to move forward.
I’ll say it to you now but…
I’m actually quite jealous of you.
When I was in Zahra, I couldn’t even tell Guy or Tangerine that I loved them directly.
I had to choose the safest option, considering my position.
That’s why, Masumi who always acts by following your heart looks so bright to me.
Of course, it’s possible that other members think the same too.
CitronBut, I’m sure everyone thinks that Masumi’s one directional thinking leads you to a good place.
Masumi…By the way, why did you call out to me during the flagship performance.
From now on, I’ll try to know more about everyone else…
CitronMasumi is a man who will move for the sake of someone you love regardless of any percussion, I think it will be good if you can direct that love to everyone else.
MasumiPercussion… repercussion?
CitronYou’re right. Masumi’s love, if you direct it to everyone else, I’m sure you will be able to get along with everyone.
MasumiMy love, since now and before will only belong to the Director.
CitronDo you really think so?
Nowadays, there are times that I can feel Masumi’s love.
MasumiThat’s just your excessive self-awareness.
CitronDuring the Quartet performance, it’s because of Masumi that I was able to express my love for Tangerine directly.
I’m really grateful for that.
To repay the favor from that time, I will support Masumi with all I have this time!
I’ll shower Masumi with my love!
MasumiYou’re annoying.
CitronLove is the strongest force.
For the sake of love, you can break your common sense and do crazy stuffs.
MasumiLove is, strongest force…
“Love is the strongest force, one that will pull you forward, further than any other.” By Citron
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  1. I have difficulties translating the name so please bear with it. It’s whatever I can make out from the Kanji/Kana of the character’s name.