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Episode 3
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IzumiThen, Azuma-san and Taichi-kun will form a pair…
Let’s try to decide the pair for the other members.
Then, let’s draw a lottery!
*Short Time Skip*
ChikageThen it’s decided, the pair will be Tasuku and Kazunari, Misumi and Tsuzuru.
KazunariI’ll be Tax’s assistant driver, it’s so lit!
I have to take pictures of Tax’s cool driving skill!
TasukuDo your navigation work.
ItaruTsuzuru, go and collect those beautiful flags.
Tsuzuru…No, I actually thought about it too.
MisumiIt’s going to be fine! I said so earlier too.
I drive safely!
TsuzuruI’ll believe in your words.
This time, pleased to work with you.
MisumiYes! Pleased to work with you~
IzumiBy the way, the costume we’re supposed to be wearing will be similar to a real car race uniform.
The uniform is so cool!
KazunariThe vibes are getting even higher!
Each pair gets their own colour maybe!?
IzumiI was thinking of leaving it to Yuki-kun, but we can discuss that matter with Yuki-kun too.
SakyoBefore that, Nanao, properly get your license.
*Shifts to Balcony*
???Yes, yes…
AzumaDoggy-kun, are you in the middle of studying for your license?
TaichiAh, Azuma-san!
You’re right. I’m trying to study to get my real license, but it’s not getting into my head at all…
What if I barely get my license…
I should be fine if it’s just a practical skill exam like during the temporary license, but the real license requires a written exam, so I’m getting worried…
AzumaIf you’re fine with me, would you like me to teach you?
TaichiAre you sure!?
It will be so valuable if Azuma-san can teach me!
AzumaI don’t think I can teach as well as Tsumugi though.
Then, let us start.
TaichiPleased to work with you!
*Short Time Skip*
AzumaThe meaning of this sign, it just came out earlier.
TaichiI learned this from Azuma-san!
So the answer here will be 0 right!
AzumaYes, you’re doing well.
TaichiHa~, Azuma-san you said that you haven’t been driving recently, but you’re still so well informed. And your lessons are easy to follow too!
AzumaI happened to have the chance, there was a period when I was learning how to drive a car.
I learned those in the past, but I’m happy that I can teach Doggy-kun about those now.
Even after you get your license, I want you to keep remembering them correctly.
I’ll make sure to remember the things that Azuma-san has taught me!
But, if you know so much, why do you not drive?
It’s not like you hate driving right?
AzumaI don’t hate driving, I just like to be in the passenger seat more.
There’s also the fact that I like to watch the view from the window.
Depending on the driver, the view will be different and it’s fun that way.
TaichiYou’re right, you would be able to properly see the scenery from the passenger’s seat.
But for me, I want to see both Azuma-san in the driver seat and the passenger seat!
You know so much, so I think you will be very good at driving.
Then, next time.
By the way, Doggy-kun, why were you thinking of getting a driver's license?
It’s great as an identity card, but I thought Doggy-kun is not one to care about that.
I, I want to go on a date with my girlfriend riding in the passenger seat one day…!
AzumaFufu, I see. That sounds like Doggy-kun.
Then in order to make it a reality, let’s do our best in your study.
TaichiYes! Azuma-sensei!
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