Outside Work Conversations/Sakyo and Guy

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Veludo Station Front

SakyoRecently the expenses have been increasing little by little… Who’s the culprit?
GuyIndeed, it seems like expenses have gone up by approximately 0.5%.
GuyIt may also be due to the number of residents increasing. Let’s verify it through the book-keeping journal.
SakyoYeah, I trust you with that.

Veludo Park

GuyThe reason for the extra expenses seems to be the electricity bill. Even when taking the resident increasing into consideration, it’s higher than last year.
Sakyo…Guess we should get everyone together tonight and do some light interrogating.
GuyThe number of toiletry items this month… It seems that the amount of cosmetic purchases has increased a little.
Sakyo…That’s bou. In that case, I’ll give him his own lecture.

Veludo Town Library

GuyFood expenses have gone up by 0.2%. If it’s due to the sudden price increase of vegetables, I say it’s best to let it go.
SakyoI’ll tell the director and Fushimi that root sprout and root crop prices have gone up.
SakyoThanks to you, the accuracy of our accounting work has gone up exponentially. You have really helped me out.
GuyNumber management is one of my strong points. Let’s continue to assist the theatre.
