Outside Work Conversations/Citron and Chikage

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Veludo Station Front

CitronA morbid-able opponent has appeared...
ChikageCitron’s morbid-able opponent? Sounds interesting.
CitronChikage! A cat-shit crazy event is a clap of personalities!
ChikageYou mean a bat-shit crazy event...? Citron wins this time.

Veludo Park

CitronChikage, I really did it this time.
ChikageIf it is fixing a stupid mistake, I will do it
CitronI dropped 10 yen.... So now I am 5 yen of luck poorer.[1]
ChikageIs this the cue for me to whip out my magic tricks?

Veludo Town Library

CitronI promised Tsumugi I would go with him to buy some bombs! We’re gonna make them boom beautifully! Bulbs. [2]
ChikageSo, I guess we should gather a crowd in the courtyard.
CitronI’m gonna show you a magic trick from my country! ..MMMM HAI!! Now Tsuzuru will flop!
ChikageThat sounds like a Zahran magic curse. I will commit it to memory then.

  1. “5 Yen” and “Luck” sound the same in Japanese, this is just a bad pun
  2. They bought bulbs (plant) and they are going to bloom.