Run around the field./Episode 1

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Run around the field.
Episode 1
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ClassmateSay, we're going to play at the park after school, wanna come?
TsuzuruHmm, I’ll pass.
ClassmateCram school? Studying?
TsuzuruThere's a book I want to borrow, so I'm going to the library.
TsuzuruSee you later.
ClassmateSee you. Bye bye.
Upperclassman AAh, there he is.
Upperclassman BIt's him right.
Upperclassman ASay, you're Meguru-kun's little brother right?
TsuzuruEh… I am.
Upperclassman BWanna join our team?
Upperclassman A You good at soccer?
TsuzuruN-No, I won’t join. I'm just average at soccer too.
Upperclassman AHeh. We're going to play soccer at the school yard right now, wanna join?
TsuzuruUm, I'm going to the library…
Upperclassman BThen, some other time.
Tsuzuru(I guess they're fifth graders like Meguru. They look nothing like us first years, they're a bit scary too…)
Upperclassman AAh, he left.
Upperclassman BSee you.
Tsuzuru(So even the fifth graders know I'm Meguru's little brother. I wonder if he told them himself…)
TeacherGather around. Today for P.E we will be playing soccer.
Oh, you're Minagi's little brother right. Your teammates will be lucky.
Tsuzuru(Why did he have to go and say that…)
Classmate AWho is Minagi?
Classmate BMinagi Meguru from fifth grade, he's super good at soccer.
Classmate CEh! You're Minagi Meguru's brother!? Amazing!
TsuzuruNo, that's not really…
Classmate AGo!
Classmate BYou can do it!
Classmate CMinagi, shoot!
Classmate CAah, he missed.
Classmate ASo Minagi Meguru's little brother is just this good.
Classmate BWhat, he isn't such a big deal.
(Just because I'm Meguru's brother, doesn’t mean I'm good at soccer)
(Why do I have to hear those things, just because I'm his little brother)
Meguru's classmateGo! Meguru!
Meguru's classmateYay! Goal!
Tsuzuru(It's Meguru… he really is good at soccer)
MeguruAh, it's Tsuzuru! Heeey!
Tsuzuru(He's waving at me so carelessly, but whose fault is it that I'm having this bad time)
(Let's just go home…)
MeguruTsuzuru! Let's go home together.
I saw you just now from the school yard and I waved to you, you didn’t notice?
Tsuzuru…I did notice.
MeguruSo you did.
How is school? Did you make friends?
(Because of Meguru everyone raises their expectations of me as they please, so I end up disappointing my friends)
Big brother… teach me soccer.
MeguruEh? Soccer?
Tsuzuru 'Cause we played soccer in P.E today.
MeguruAlright! Leave it to me!
That's right, just like that. Don't strain yourself when you kick the ball.
Tsuzuru-- *kicks*
MeguruOh, this one was great. You have a sense for it don'tcha think?
TsuzuruYou're overreacting.
MeguruI'm serious, you have talent. As expected from my brother!
TsuzuruYou're too high spirited.
MeguruBy the way, you're getting pocket money right?
MeguruHow nice, it's so early. I got it only starting third grade.
TsuzuruIt's only 500yen a month, I can't even eat out with friends.
MeguruBut it's better than nothing.
Well, in my case my shoes get worn out quickly so it's pricey. Can't be helped.
Hey, this month I'm having it rough so lend me 500yen.
TsuzuruYou'll never give them back so nope.
MeguruYou're even saving your New Year money so this little of a sum is fine right.
TsuzuruYou should just save money too Meguru.
MeguruWould've been nice if I could do that.
TsuzuruThat's called "you reap what you sow".
MeguruYou know some tough phrases huh.
OmiNice clear!
TasukuIt will get dark soon. Let's call it a day.
AzamiOn what day is the futsal tournament next month?
TsuzuruThe 25th, a Sunday.
OmiIt's just before the World Cup so it makes things more exciting.
AzamiBy the way, are they announcing the members this week?
TsuzuruNo, next week. Right now they're holding a training camp.
TasukuMeguru-san is attending too right?
TsuzuruYes. At the end of the camp there are international goodwill matches, they will select the members then.
AzamiMinagi will surely get in.
OmiHe's still young but his pro career is going well, the rumors say high chances he'll get in.
TsuzuruMy family is all excited about it, but I wonder if it's true. We have to wait until the announcement.
TasukuWe have to choose our fifth member too.
OmiBanri said he might have school business on that day.
AzamiSaying that, who is it leaving us with…
TasukuMaybe we should hold a training camp too.
TsuzuruHaha, you're right. Seems like we won't be able to decide otherwise.
IzumiGuys, is everyone here? Let's start the meeting then.
With the sixth performances ending, everyone has had a chance to play a lead role…
So, I thought about doing something a bit different next.
SakyoIt is great we were able to complete all performances successfully.
However, precisely because there's an established style for each Troupe and the quality is stable, we need something that would become a stimulus for us.
TenmaTrue, if we want to win the Fleur award, we better have something that would help us grow.
TsumugiIn that sense, the mix performance made for a really good stimulus.
BanriOh yeah, it was different from an Autumn Troupe performance, and it was fun to actually perform with people whose performance we usually only watch.
TsumugiEach Troupe has its own practice ways, thought process and approach for the roles, so there's much to learn.
TsuzuruEven for the script, I had to keep away from each Troupe's usual style, it was refreshing.
IzumiA mixed performance huh… it might be good!
ManagerIt's like an all-stars festival, the audience will surely be happy!
SakuyaI also want to try and perform with members from different troupes!
SakyoEveryone should experience it at least once, but we will need just as much scripts for that to happen.
IzumiHmm… that would be too much of a burden for Tsuzuru-kun.
TsuzuruThere are a few plots I wrote as practice, so if I use them it would be fine somehow.
TenmaSo there were some turned down scripts?
TsuzuruThere were some with a theme that just wouldn't fit with any Troupe, they were unsuitable for a Troupe performance so I put them on hold.
BanriWell, looks like it's time they see the light of day again.
SakuyaI can't wait to see something different that Tsuzuru-kun wrote!
ManagerMaybe we should even create a season ticket for mix performances!
TsumugiIt would be nice if it causes people who usually watch only their favorite Troupe, to enjoy the acting of the other Troupes too.
IzumiI think it would be tough with the scripts though, is it fine?
TsuzuruI have so much I want to write, so I'm actually happy.
IzumiI'm glad to hear that!
SakyoSo, what will the next performance be about?
TsuzuruFor now, I will try to use a plot I've started to write before.
IzumiSince it's a chance, I want to see a theme that Tsuzuru-kun really wants to write about, and not something that fits the style of a certain Troupe or actor.
TsuzuruEh, I can write whatever I want?
IzumiOf course! I can't wait to see it.
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