Main Page

From A3! Wiki
Revision as of 04:22, 5 January 2019 by Krhs (talk | contribs)

Welcome to the A3! Wiki

A3! ("Act! Addict! Actors!") is a mobile game by Liber Entertainment.

Feel free to help out by adding information, screenshots, or anything you can. Some formatting guidelines can be found on the Wiki Guide. Don't be afraid to add new pages for guides or translations, though it would be great if you checked WIP to see what's a work in progress. We welcome multiple translations of content! You can join us on Discord to chat about the game and discuss the Wiki if there's anything you aren't sure about, and be sure to follow us on Twitter for game and Wiki updates.

Troupe Blog Icon.png Blog Update: あけおめ△ (Misumi)

Notice: We've changed our look! Swipe right or zoom out on mobile to close navigation menus.

Run! Lucky God Seven

Run! Lucky God Seven event banner.png

Limited Scout

Treasure Boat Sky Cruise

Treasure Ship Sky Cruise gacha.png

Premium Scout


JANUARY BIRTHDAY SP 2019 gacha.png