Cards/Banri Settsu/Glasses Boy Induction

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Serious.png Autumn troupe.png SR
Glasses Boy Induction
(Glasses Boy Induction) Banri Serious SR.png
(Glasses Boy Induction) Banri Serious SR+.png
Leader Skill 視力も負けねぇ
I Won't Lose in Eyesight Either
Adlib Skill クイッとね。
The Glasses Push.
Cardset Stranger



Can’t do anythin’ about it since it’s my costume, but I don’t really like glasses… Director-chan, let me know what you think.


Card Stats

Lv. Comedy.png Co Action.png Ac Serious.png Sr
1 1236 917 1557
60 2593 1920 3268
+ 2823 2090 3558
++ 3053 2260 3848
🔥🔥🔥 3953 3160 4748

Adlib Skill Stats

Lv. % Activation % Stat Increase
1 15 25
2 20 30
3 25 35
4 30 40



Banri 001 Chibi.png Banri 017 Chibi.png