Troupe Events
From A3! Wiki
Revision as of 10:45, 18 January 2018 by Fimbulvetr (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<b>Troupe Events</b> (or Regular Events) are troupe or play-associated events. These events usually have a theme song associated with them. ==How to Play== *During the event...")
Troupe Events (or Regular Events) are troupe or play-associated events. These events usually have a theme song associated with them.
How to Play
- During the event period, limited practice sessions can be played ♪ First go to the event top page or to the play selection screen, then go to the event programme menu (イベント演目) and begin practice!
- Event tickets will occasionally drop during practice. These event tickets can be used to view the event theatre (観劇)! In addition, event performances (公演) will occasionally occur during practice.
- If the event performance succeeds, event points can be obtained in exchange for coins. Event points can also be obtained from viewing the event theatre. You will receive 500 pts from viewing the event theatre; however, extra points can be gained through viewing the event theatre with the event gacha cards.
- As event points are gathered, various rewards can be obtained. Rewards can also be acquired by ranking based on the total event points gained!
- The Seasonal Bonus mark indicates cards with increased stats and will also provide an event bonus (even as guest supports)
- As of the Nocturnality event, birthday cards also gain a small stat bonus in events in their corresponding month, as indicated by the puchi (tiny) bonus mark
- Kameman refills 1 SP while Boxed Kameman fully refills your SP (will overflow)
- Bentou fully recovers your LP while Onigiri recovers 50% of your LP (will overflow)
- Troupe tickets are used to view the event's theatre live
List of Troupe Events
- Boy Alice in Wonderland (不思議の国の青年アリス)
- The Adventure for Sardines (にぼしを巡る冒険)
- Stranger (異邦人)
- The Master Likes a Mystery (主人はミステリにご執心)
- The Clockwork Heartbeat (ぜんまい仕掛けのココロ)
- Captain Sky Pirates (抜錨!スカイ海賊団)
- Tales of Chivalry: Ginji the Wanderer (任侠伝・流れ者銀二)
- Nocturnality (真夜中の住人)
- SHI★NO★BI Misadventuring (SHI★NO★BI珍道中)
- Fire up, Mantou Fist! (燃えよ饅頭拳!)
- Die by the Sword (剣に死す。)
- Harugaoka Quartet (春ケ丘Quartet)
- The Floral Prince (花の王子さま)
- Magicians' Pure Love (奇術師たちの純愛)
- Welcome to Akebono-so! (異世界歓迎!元ヤン食堂)
- HOTEL COMPASS (ホテルコンパス)
- SSR Family (SSRファミリー)
- South. Hill. Prison (サウスヒルプリズン)
- Literary Impasse (文学隘路)
- Sky Gallery (スカイギャラリー)
- Sunny Blanc (陽だまりのブラン)
- Moon Traveler (ムーン・トラベラー)
- Journey to the Colors (彩遊記)