Izumi | (The manager told me to go to the rooms one by one...I wonder which room I should start from) |
| Ah, speaking of which, I have something to ask Tasuku-san. |
| (The clock in the lounge hasn’t been working well, I thought I should ask him to take a look at it.) |
| (There’s the thing about the key as well, I guess I’ll go to Tasuku-san’s room first, that way I can hear from Tsumugi-san as well) |
Izumi | Hmm? There’s something pasted on the door. |
Izumi | “Unlocked”? What is this about... |
| *thunk* |
| Eh!? |
| (There’s a dull sound coming from inside...I wonder if everything’s alright. I’m a bit worried, let’s try calling them for now) |
| *knocks and opens door* |
Kondo? | “Uh...Ugh...” |
Miyagi? | “Oi, are you alright?” |
Izumi | (Hmm? Those are Kondo and Miyagi from the Mixed Play performances, right? What’s the two of them doing with that look...?) |
Miyagi | “I don't think it’s a good idea for you to push yourself...” |
Kondo | “I’m not pushing myself. I’m just not feeling very well today.” |
Izumi | (Tsumugi-san...To be exact, Kondo is trying to lift the dumbbell. That dumbbell is quite heavy though...) |
| (I want to stop him because it will be bad if he got injured, but they might be in the middle of practicing an etude) |
Kondo | “Uh, ughhhh...!” |
Izumi | Umm, if it’s too heavy, please don’t force yourself... |
Kondo & Miyagi | “!” |
Izumi | (I got too worried and ended up stopping him) |
Kondo | “Sigh, it’s so pathetic to be worried by a woman.” |
Miyagi | “I told you that the way you hold it makes people worry, didn’t I.” |
Izumi | (As I thought, they’re deep in their role. I guess it’s better for me to match them for now) |
| Are you trying to build your physical strength with the dumbbell? |
Miyagi | “No, that’s not the case...About how it came to this, how to say it.” |
Izumi | ? |
Miyagi | “I run a liquor store, and I’m thinking of opening a new shop this time.” |
| “Then, I found out that there’s a good property nearby so I went to take a look.” |
Izumi | A new shop! That sounds good. |
Miyagi | “Yeah. And then, I met this guy who has bought our sake before.” |
Kondo | “I’m quite confident with my physical strength, so I was thinking of offering some help after hearing the shop owner’s situation.” |
Miyagi | “I’m grateful for your intention but, I have told you so many times that it’s enough for you to just come by and buy some sake again next time...” |
| “You said you’re confident in your physical strength, that’s why I said you can carry several bottles of beers like the one you bought last time–“ |
| “It’s supposed to be a joke though...” |
Kondo | “Of course not. Just like this, I can easily pick up this heavy dumbbell...Ugh...! Uh...!” |
Miyagi | “Oh, well...As you can see, he’s quite stubborn, and he started to try showing off his power using the dumbbell that happened to be around.” |
Izumi | I, I see. |
| But if you overdo it, you might ended up injuring yourself, please do it in moderation. |
| (In the end, Kondo is still Tsumugi-san...) |
Kondo | “I guess I have no choice...I’m not feeling very well today, I’ll leave it at that for now.” |
Miyagi | “Please do so.” |
Izumi | Right. I was a bit distracted, but I have something that I want to ask the two of you. Is it alright? |
Kondo | “A question for us?” |
Miyagi | “What is it about?” |
Izumi | picked up a key earlier and I don’t know the owner. Do you have any idea about what this is? |
Miyagi | “It’s not mine.” |
Kondo | “I also know nothing.” |
Izumi | Ah, I see... |
Miyagi | “Ah, speaking of which, a circus troupe seems to be coming near here.” |
| “There seem to be a considerable amount of people coming, you might be able to find the owner there.” |
Izumi | Circus Troupe...? |
| (What is this about. I wonder if it’s another setting for the etude.) |
Miyagi | “Also, it’s fine for you to keep looking for the owner, but there are some strange rumors floating around here recently, please be careful when you’re walking alone.” |
Kondo | “Ah...It’s about the non-human ‘Mysterious Visitor’ that appears once a day right.” |
Izumi | N, non-human huh... |
Miyagi | “Yeah, some rumor even said that they’re devils.” |
Kondo | “For now, why don’t you go and check the circus troupe first.” |
| “That circus seems to have a trapeze artist and a beast master too.” |
Miyagi | “Hoo, that sounds interesting. I’ll go invite my brother and friends to take a look on my next day off.” |
Kondo | “Yeah, I’m also thinking of bringing my wife to see them.” |
Izumi | A trapeze artist and a beast master... |
| (This feels familiar, are they actually talking about Luminous Circus troupe...?) |
| Understood. I’ll be going ahead. |
Kondo | “Yeah, please take care.” |
Miyagi | “Then, see you around.” |