Muku | Good morning. |
Kumon | Mornin’! |
Muku | What are you guys doing? |
Kazunari | I’m posting our rehearsal pics yesterday to Inste! |
Tenma | Looking forward to the play. It’s about phantom thieves, right? |
Kumon | Performing aboard a luxury cruise sounds nice~. |
Misumi | Find me a sparkling triangle while you’re there, ‘kay~. |
Tenma | We’re gonna get caught in some bad shit if they bring them home for real. |
TV | “Today, we’re going to introduce you to this luxury liner, Princess Aurora. Look at this hall. It’s beyond gorgeous.” |
Yuki | Hey, isn’t this cruise our performance venue? |
TV | “Starting from tomorrow, the most sparkly diamond in the world will be unveiled in Japan for the first time ever.” |
Kumon | Oh, wow! They’re gonna unveil a diamond there! |
Muku | I wonder if we can see it when we go to check out the venue. |
Misumi | Do they have a triangular diamond~? |
Tenma | Do you really think we can bring it home even if they have one? |
TV | “Moving on to the next news.” |
| “100 million yen worth of jewelry has been stolen from a jewelry store in Veludo Way early yesterday.” |
| “It’s been suspected that the crime is done by several people. Police are currently looking for the whereabouts of the people seen in the security camera.” |
Kazunari | That sounds like our upcoming play~. |
Tenma | Pretty sure the suspects are gonna get caught soon, though, unlike in the play. |
Yuki | Because it’s non-fiction. |
Izumi | Guys, you’re going to be late if you don’t eat your breakfast soon. |
Misumi | Oh no! You’re right! |
Headmaster | Be it during school break or after school time, do not ever let loose and lead a healthy lifestyle whenever and wherever. |
Moderator | We are going to continue with the commendation ceremony. |
| Women Volleyball Club, second place in the prefectural tournament. |
| *round of applause* |
| Track and Field Club, winner of Men’s 400 meter relay race in Japan Inter High-School Track and Field tournament. |
| *round of applause* |
Muku | (Wow! Amazing, they won the relay. They sure did their best to achieve such a feat…) |
Doctor | You can participate in track and field matches again. |
Muku | (Weird. I already parted ways with track and field so I shouldn’t be jealous.) |
P.E. Teacher | I’m going to measure your time for the 100-meter dash today. Line up in order. |
Student A | Huh!? We’re gonna run today? |
Student B | This sucks. I’m bad at short distance races. |
Student A | Oh, well. it’s still better than the long distance one. |
Muku | … |
| (I usually hold back a little bit during P.E. class, but… Guess it’s alright to get serious now.) |
P.E. Teacher | One, two…three! |
| *starting gun fires* |
Muku | –. |
| (I don’t need to hold back anymore. Run ahead–run ahead… Faster…!) |
| … |
| (I ran…) |
Recorder | 10.97 seconds. Fast! |
Muku | Haah…haah… |
Student A | That’s awesome, Sakisaka! |
Muku | (I’m not as fast as I used to be, but… I did it. I still can run.) |
Track and Field Club Member | … |
Muku | (I’ve got some free time before our afternoon rehearsal today. Guess I’m gonna practice by myself once I get home.) |
| (I should ask Yuki-kun to join me.) |
Track and Field Club Member | Sakisaka! |
Muku | Oh… Hey. Long time no see. |
| The track and field club is doing really great, I see. Grats on your victory! |
Track and Field Club Member | Oh, yeah. Thanks. |
| Putting that aside, Sakisaka, you did a 100 meter dash today, right? What’s your time? |
Muku | 10.97 seconds. |
Track and Field Club Member | I knew it! You looked so fast ever from afar, you know. Is your foot recovered already? |
Muku | My doctor told me I’m completely recovered now. |
Track and Field Club Member | Great to hear that. |
Muku | Thanks. |
Track and Field Club Member | … |
Muku | What’s wrong? |
Track and Field Club Member | …So you see, we still need one person for our next relay tournament. |
| We don’t have much time until the preliminary contest. And I know you’re doing your best in theater now, but… |
| If you still want to run, will you return to the track and field club? I don’t mind if you stay only until the tournament. |
Muku | … |
Track and Field Club Member | Consider it, 'kay? No need to give me the answer right away. |
Muku | … |
Yuki | “It’s as musty as always.” |
Kazunari | “Clean it up.” |
Yuki | “How about you do it?” |
Kazunari | “No way. Geez. This place used to be clean, wonder what happens to it.” |
Yuki | “That’s because we had a clean-freak before.” |
Kazunari | “Okay. Leader, you do the cleaning.” |
Muku | … |
Juza | …Muku. It’s your turn now. |
Muku | Oh, sorry! |
Izumi | (Is Muku-kun alright? He’s been out of it since we started the rehearsal.) |
Izumi | Let’s stop here for today, Good job, guys. |
Kazunari | Good job~. |
Sakyo | Great job. |
Muku | … |
Izumi | Muku-kun, do you have a moment? |
Muku | Sure. |
Izumi | You kept spacing out during today’s rehearsal. Is everything fine? |
Muku | ….M-My apologies! I’m fine! I’ll regain my focus tomorrow! |
Izumi | Okay…? Do your best in tomorrow’s rehearsal, then. |
Muku | Yes! |
| *door closes* |
Izumi | (I’m pretty sure something did happen…) |
Juza | Director. |
| …I’m actually a little bit worried about Muku as well. |
Izumi | So you realized it too, huh, Juza-kun. |
Juza | I’ll try talking to him. |
Izumi | Maybe he’ll find it easier to talk to you, indeed. Can you help me with that, then? |
Juza | Yes. |