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== Sakuya-Yuki Talk ==
== Sakuya-Yuki Talk ==
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|<span class="yuki">幸</span>:ねぇ元気100パーセントってさ、なんでいっつもそんなに元気でいられるの?|| <span class="yuki">Yuki</span>: Hey slap-happy, why're you always so cheerful?
|<span class="sakuya">咲也</span>:え!?うーん……お芝居してるときはもちろん、みんなといるとすごく楽しいからかな?|| <span class="sakuya">Sakuya</span>: Huh!? Well...I think it's always fun when we all act together?
|<span class="yuki">幸</span>:じゃあ、逆に聞くけど。アンタでも元気がなくなるときとか、あんの?|| <span class="yuki">Yuki</span>: Then let me rephrase. D'you ever not feel happy?
|style="width: 4em;"| <span class="yuki">'''Yuki'''</span> || Hey slap-happy, why're you always so cheerful?
|<span class="sakuya">咲也</span>:どうだろう……あんまりないかな?|| <span class="sakuya">Sakuya</span>: Hmm...not really?
|<span class="yuki"></span>:ふーん。|| <span class="yuki">Yuki</span>: 's that so.
| <span class="sakuya">'''Sakuya'''</span> || Huh!? Well...I think it's always fun when we all act together?
|<span class="sakuya">咲也</span>:あ、でもサラダにセロリが入ってるときとかは、どうしようって思うかな……。||<span class="sakuya">Sakuya</span>: Oh, but I feel really conflicted when I find celery in my salad...
| <span class="yuki">'''Yuki'''</span> || Then let me rephrase. D'you ever not feel happy?
| <span class="sakuya">'''Sakuya'''</span> || Hmm...not really?
| <span class="yuki">'''Yuki'''</span> || 's that so.
| <span class="sakuya">'''Sakuya'''</span> || Oh, but I feel really conflicted when I find celery in my salad...
| <span class="yuki">'''Yuki'''</span> || ーー!<br>HA! Gosh, you're such a kid!
|<span class="yuki">幸</span>:ーー!<br />
|| <span class="yuki">Yuki</span>: ーー! <br />
  HA! Gosh, you're such a kid!

Revision as of 04:01, 19 May 2017

Each subsequent conversation is triggered when you complete a flower. The pair dialogue event is triggered after practicing with the specific person 3 times in one rehearsal.

Conversation 1

綴くんの脚本、やっぱり面白いですよね! Tsuzuru-kun's script is so interesting, isn't it!
俺が主演で、しかもあのロミオ役をもらえるだなんて今でも信じられません。 I still can't believe that I'm the leading actor, and I'm THE Romeo!
……なんだか、もっと稽古がしたくなっちゃったな。 ...Somehow I want to rehearse even more.
カントク、あと30分だけ稽古続けても良いですか……? Director, is it alright if I keep practicing for 30 more minutes...?

Conversation 2

今日のカレーもとっても美味しかったです! The curry today was really good, too!
オレ、今まであんまりカレーが好きって思ったことなかったんですけど、 I never thought of curry as something I'd like this much,
カントクのおかげでカレーが好きになっちゃいました。 but thanks to Director I've fallen in love with curry.
ま、毎日はちょっとあれですけど……でも週に3日なら全然いけますよ! I-it'd be a bit much to have it daily...b-but 3 days a week is totally okay!
あ、3日っていうのは朝昼晩カレーが3日間ってことではなくてーー! W-wait, that doesn't mean curry for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for 3 daysーー!

Conversation 3

うーん……むにゃむにゃ……。 Mmm...zzzzzz...
っ!オ、オレ寝てました!? ...! D-did I fall asleep!?
ていうかもしかして、オレ……カントクの肩で……。 W-wait, don't tell me I...on Director's shoulder...
ああっやっぱり!す、すみません!重くなかったですか!? I-I-I DID! I-I'M SO SORRY! WASN'T I HEAVY!?
なんだか落ち着いて、すごく熟睡してしまって……恥ずかしいです。 It was just so peaceful, so I couldn't help but pass out...this is embarrassing.

Sakuya-Yuki Talk

Yuki Hey slap-happy, why're you always so cheerful?
Sakuya Huh!? Well...I think it's always fun when we all act together?
Yuki Then let me rephrase. D'you ever not feel happy?
Sakuya Hmm...not really?
Yuki 's that so.
Sakuya Oh, but I feel really conflicted when I find celery in my salad...
Yuki ーー!
HA! Gosh, you're such a kid!
