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Each subsequent conversation is triggered when you complete a flower. The pair dialogue event is triggered after practicing with the specific person 3 times in one rehearsal.

Conversation 1

マキューシオはロミオの幼馴染なんだよな……。 Mercutio is Romeo's childhood friend, huh...
俺、そういう相手はいたことないけど、兄貴みたいなもんって思えば演じやすいかも。 I don't have that kind of person, but if I think of him as a bigger brother it might be easier to act.
実際は、ロミオ役の咲也より、ジュリアス役の真澄の世話焼いてる方が多いっすけどね……。 In reality, I feel like I'm taking care of Julius' Masumi more than Romeo's Sakuya, though...
芝居の経験値は低いけど、自分が脚本書いた分、登場人物のことはわかってるつもりっす。 Although I don't have much experience in acting, I should understand the characters I wrote.
ここから俺は役者。演出は任せましたよ、監督。 From now on I'm an actor. Please take care of me, Director.

Conversation 2

シトロンさんがどうしても行きたいっていうから、カラオケに連れてったんすよ。 Citron wanted to go no matter what, so I took him out to karaoke.
そうしたら、マイクは独占するわ、めちゃめちゃ渋い歌謡曲とか何語だよっていう曲ばっかり歌われて……。 When I did that, though, he took over the mic and started singing really...unique songs in a strange language...
あんなに長い1時間は初めてだった……。 That was the longest hour of my life...

Conversation 3

この前、久しぶりにバイト先のオーナーに会ったんすけど、監督のこと知ってましたよ。 A while ago I met the owner where I work part-time, and they recognized Director.
世間て狭いっすねー。 The world is really such a small place.
オーナーが監督のこと「可愛くて優しい子」って言ってたんすけど、そんなこと俺たちの方がよく知ってーー Although the owner said "Director's a cute and good kid," we would know that more thーー
ってなんでもないっす……! I-I mean, n-n-never mind!

Tsuzuru-Misumi Talk

三角:つづる、つづる~!オレ、つづるにお願いがあるんだー! Misumi: Tsuzuru, Tsuzuru~ I have a favor for Tsuzuru~
:お願い?何っすか? Tsuzuru: Hmm? What's up?
三角:お芝居の脚本は、つづるが書いてるでしょ?だからオレの今度の役は、さんかくの役にしてほしいなー! Misumi: Tsuzuru writes all the scripts, right? Then it'd be great if I got a triangular character in the next play~!
:いや、だから前も言いましたけど、サンカクの役は間違いなくないからーー。 Tsuzuru: Yeah no, like I said there's no way there's a triangular roleーー
三角:おにぎりの役とか~さんかく定規の役とか!サンカクならなんでもおっけー! Misumi: Maybe an onigiri or a set square! As long it's triangular, anything is fine~!
:聞いてないし!そもそも三角定規が活躍する芝居ってどんなだよ! Tsuzuru: You're not listening! Besides what kind of play would have a set square!
三角:文房具大戦争! Misumi: Stationary wars!
:って、ちょっと面白そうだなそれ! Tsuzuru: That actually sounds kinda interesting!