Daily and Weekly Tasks
From A3! Wiki
Manager | 「課題をクリアするとご褒美がありますよ!」 If you clear the task, there'll be a reward! |
Regular Tasks
Daily Tasks
Daily tasks reset at midnight JST (Japanese Standard Time), and the season of the bud and seed rewards changes each day.
Daily Lessons are also available and the rewards depend on the day of the week.
Task | Reward |
Clear Practice Lessons 3 times | N Yuzo Kashima x1 (Varies) |
Clear Performance 3 times | Bud x1 (Varies) |
Clear Outside Work 1 time | Seed x1 (Varies) |
Complete all daily tasks | Dia x1 |
Weekly Tasks
Weekly tasks reset every Monday at 12:00 AM (the midnight between Sunday and Monday), JST.
Task | Reward |
Log in every day of the week (7 day streak) | Dia x5 |
Clear Practice Lessons 21 times | 30,000 Coins |
Clear Performance 21 times | Dia x5 |
Do Outside Work 7 times | 4000 Friend Points |
Limited Tasks
Limited Daily Tasks were implemented in June 2018.
Birthday Tasks
Date | Occasion | Task | Reward |
6/6/18 | Misumi's Birthday | Clear 1 Practice | Dia x15 |
21/6/18 | Tenma's Birthday | Clear 1 Practice | Dia x15 |
Limited Daily Task Lines
Misumi | 「課題をクリアするとさんかくもらえるって!」 If you clear the task, you can get a triangle! (audio only) Nice, nice~ |
Tenma | 「課題をクリアして報酬をGETだ」 Clear the task to get the reward. (audio only) Shall I add on my autograph too? |
Yuki | 「課題をクリアすると何かもらえるってさ」 You'll get something if you clear the task. (audio only) You should be able to do this easily, right? |
Kumon | 「課題をクリアしてご褒美ゲットだって!」 You'll get a reward if you clear the task! (audio only) Work hard with me! |
Kazunari | 「課題をクリアしてくれたらいいものあげちゃうよん」 If you clear the task for me, I'll give you something good. (audio) Wonder what you're gonna get! |
Muku | 「課題をクリアすると、いいものが貰えるみたいです!」 Apparently you can get something nice if you clear the task! (audio only) Go, go, Director! |
Banri | 「課題をクリアして報酬をゲットしろよ」 Clear the task and get the reward, okay. (audio only) Easy, right. |