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Revision as of 12:42, 8 October 2017

Template:Winter Troupe



"My heart is a mandolin that shakes, sways, and suddenly falls..."

Character Description

He is very artistic and is always searching for fine art. His sense for the aesthetically pleasing is extraordinary and he considers the aesthetically pleasing in an extreme way. He is a natural poet who often finds poetic inspiration and recites his poems with a passion that's so strong that it's almost embarrassing. He acts quite strangely, but surprisingly, he is good at taking care of others and looks after Hisoka whenever he suddenly falls asleep.


Whew. Everyone's stupidity, it's troubling. But, that's what I love about them.



Director-kun, what do you think about Shakespeare?

You, about me...! *clears throat* No, it's too early to say it.

God seems to have given flaws to being human... Let's make that this month's theme.

No~w, time to play with Hisoka-kun! ♪

Hm? What is it you want me to do?

That finger you touched me with... In 10 years, it will be worth 100 million yen.

「」 (Morning Greeting)

「キミは幸運だね。今さっきのこの世に生まれたばかりの名作を一番い聞けるのだから」 (Noon Greeting)

「」 (Night Greeting)

Well, let's start practice. I'll be in your care, Director.

Ah~hh~hh... How was my beautiful voice?

Aren't these movements too plain for me?

Director, I'd like to talk with you regarding this line...

Ah! Poetic inspiration is welling up ♪ All right, let's have a break!

Beyond this is the domain of the gods...

Cough, cough... Isn't it a little dusty here?

I thought of a wonderful poem. Couldn't we try putting it in the next scenario?

A heart-pounding mood... Eating sleek noodles with you~

I wonder why Tsumugi-kun is so lacking in confidence... It's a mystery.

I think Tasuku-kun should learn more about art.

Hisoka-kun hasn't come back to our room for several days now. Is it a late rebellious phase?

Azuma-san is always smiling, but there's a shadow somewhere there.

Hmph, I shall have you release me here for today.

「天才が爆誕したこの日・・・・・・祝日になる日も近いかな」 (Homare's Birthday; February 12)
The day upon which a genius dawned upon the earth....... One day soon, this may be recognised as a national holiday!

「今日はバレンタイン。監督くんに零れんばかりの薔薇とワタシの愛を・・・」 (Valentine's Day; February 14)
Today is Valentine's Day. My love for the Director is as a freshly-fallen rose...

「丞くんには眉間の皺が薄くなるようなプレゼントをあげよう」 (Tasuku's Birthday; February 22)
Mayhap we should bestow upon Tasuku a present that can reduce the crease upon his brow.

「咲也くん、おめでとう。いつまでも春のように麗らかで初々しいキミでいたまえ」 (Sakuya's Birthday; March 9)
Sakuya-kun, happy birthday. May you always be as resplendent and innocent as the springtime.

「お返しの詩を用意してきた。2っ月連続を受け取れるキミは幸せ者だね」 (White Day; March 14)
I've prepared a poem in return for your gift. You're fortunate to have received my love for two months in succession.

「今日は真澄くんの誕生日なのか。ふむ。ひとまず監督くんに用意しよう」 (Masumi's Birthday; March 30)
So today is Masumi-kun's birthday. Hm. For the time being, let us prepare the Director.

「実はワタシにはシェイクスピアのDNAが流れているんだ。どうたい、納得だろう?」 (April Fools; April 1)
The truth is, I have Shakespeare's DNA flowing through me. Convincing, is it not?

「綴くんへのプレゼントは万年筆にしたよ。ワタシのありがたい言葉を彫りこんだんだ」 (Tsuzuru's Birthday; April 9)
My gift to Tsuzuru-kun is a fountain pen. Engraved upon it are my words of gratitude.

「至くん、誕生日おめでとう。キミが昨日教えてくれた「キタコレ」早速使わせてもらうよ」 (Itaru's Birthday; April 24)
Itaru-kun, happy birthday. I shall immediately use the 'ktkr'[1] that you taught me yesterday.

「世界中の男児諸君。ワタシのように逞しく、賢く育ちたまえ」 (Children's Day; May 5)

「シトロンくんの誕生日か。カレのニホンゴは言葉遊びがきいていて実に面白い」 (Citron's Birthday; May 15)

「三角くん、誕生日おめでとう。キミのサンカクはたまにワタシの詩興をそそるよ」 (Misumi's Birthday; June 6)
Your triangles stimulate my poetry on occasion.

「キミへのバースデーポエムを徹夜で書いたんだ。これは時価にするとー・・・・・・」 (Player's Birthday)

「やはり、私のような欠陥品は必要ないんだな。うむ、よい人生経験をした。」 (Leaving Troupe)
As expected, you don't need a defective product like me. Yes, it was a good life experience.

「私が劇団員…か。ん?良い人生経験になりそうだ。」 (Scouting SSR)
I'll be a member of a theatre troupe... is it. Hm? It seems like it'll make for a good life experience.

Link Skill

Link Skill Characters Description Bonus
Reborn Winter Troupe 30px [[Winter|]]
30px [[{{{chara5}}}|]]
A theatre unit specialising in soft, subtle, serious plays. Serious Sr {{{bonus}}}% Up
Troublemakers Citron Card Icon.png Citron
Misumi Card Icon.png Misumi
Homare Card Icon.png Homare
30px [[{{{chara5}}}|]]
They're going their own way again today! Nobody can stop them! Comedy Co {{{bonus}}}% Up
The Troupe's Culture Club Tsuzuru Card Icon.png Tsuzuru
Homare Card Icon.png Homare
30px [[{{{chara5}}}|]]
A culture club started by Homare. Is the release of a collaboration zine close at hand? Comedy Co {{{bonus}}}% Up
Caviar Haters Itaru Card Icon.png Itaru
Homare Card Icon.png Homare
30px [[{{{chara5}}}|]]
Both have testified to disliking food with a 'popping' texture... Comedy Co {{{bonus}}}% Up
The Eccentric Artist Combo Kazunari Card Icon.png Kazunari
Homare Card Icon.png Homare
30px [[{{{chara5}}}|]]
That's right, we're artists! Comedy Co {{{bonus}}}% Up


  • His favourite food is carrots
  • His least favourite food is fish roe
  • His specialty is tongue twisters
  • Story Images


    1. Read as 'kitakore', Japanese net slang which means "I'm here for this". Itaru says it a lot.