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Revision as of 03:21, 24 April 2017

Template:Autumn Troupe



"I'm gonna be popular~! I'm gonna be popular right here right now~~!!"

Character Description

A frivolous young man who loves women and joined the company for his own simple reason of "I wanna be on stage and be popular!" He's always an upbeat life-of-the-party friendly type of person who'll shake his tail at anyone like a puppy. He looks up to the capable Banri and the scary-faced Juza and wants them to notice him, so he's not afraid to get involved with them.


Home Screen

W-Wait! I'm weak over there! Geez! Even if it's Director-sensei you can’t!

Both Ban-chan and Juza-san are amazing! Compared to them I... I got depressed saying it myself...

Am I really that dog-like?

T-Turn around 3 times and... woof? Wait, what are you making me do!

Geez, even though I'm saying you can't touch me... I am going to misunderstand. Is that okay?

If it's about yo-yo I won't lose!

This hair is cool right?! Red hair is my... er— Identity...? Yes, that!

I want to be popular~! I want to be popular right away~!

Geh... This is bad, Sakyou-nii is going to get mad at me again... Let's consult with Omi-kun.

Today at school, I accidently witnessed a confession scene... Uuh... I want to be popular too~!

ふぁ...っと!まだまだ!監督先生が寝るまで、俺っちも寝ないッスよ... (Night Greeting)
Yawn... Oops! Not yet! Until Director-sensei goes to sleep, I won't sleep either...

Date Triggered

うう・・・誉サンのポエムが頭の中でぐるぐる廻ってるッス・・・ (Homare's birthday; February 12)
Uuh... Homare-san's poems are spinning in my head...

えっ!?俺っちにチョコッスか!?うれしー 学校じゃ一個も貰えなかったんスよ~ (Valentines day; February 14)
Eh!? Chocolate for me!? I'm happy— I didn't even get a single one at school~

誕生日おめッス、丞さん!これからもこのカンパニーで、一緒に頑張りましょーね! (Tasuku's birthday; February 22)

サックんおておめ~♪サックんの笑顔は元気の源ッス! (Sakuya's birthday; March 9)

監督先生に喜んで貰えるように、気合い入れて選んだッス!受け取ってくださいッス! (White Day; March 14)

真澄クン、おめでとー!モテル秘訣とかあるなら教えてほしいッス! (Masumi's birthday; March 30)

万チャンッ...十座サン...ッ!二人が仲良くなってくれたら俺っ、俺っ...! (April Fools; April 1)

綴クン、誕生日おめでとー!綴クンのチャーハンは世界一ッス! (Tsuzuru's birthday; April 9)

監督先生~っ!誕生日おめでとうございます!今夜はパーティーッスか!? (Player's birthday)
Director-sensei~! Happy birthday! Are we partying tonight!?

Story Images


Link Skill

Link Skill Characters Description Bonus
Wan Wan Combi Kazunari Miyoshi テンション高め仲良しコンビ!しっぽの幻覚もご愛嬌♪ Co 10% Up
Junk Food Itaru Chigasaki バーガー・ピッツァにホットドッグ!ドリンクはコーラ一択 Ac 10% Up
Gの洗礼 Tasuku Takato そこは大いなる地獄の門。くぐった者にしかわからない Sr 10% Up
Ouka High School Group Tenma SumeragiJuza Hyodo 偏差値低め公立高校。自由な校風で不良多め。制服は学ラン Ac 30% Up
新生秋組 Autumn Troupe 迫力ある本格派アクション劇が得意な演劇ユニット Ac 50% Up


  • His favourite food is hot dogs
  • His least favourite food is stir-fried liver and Chinese chives
  • His specialties are hyper origami(ハイパー折り紙?), skateboarding, and yo-yo
  • Cards

    (Longing for Autumn) Taichi Comedy N.png (Longing for Autumn) Taichi Comedy N+.png (Ouka Public High School) Taichi Action N.png (Ouka Public High School) Taichi Action N+.png (Rehearsal) Taichi Serious R.png (Rehearsal) Taichi Serious R+.png (How Wonderfully Picaresque) Taichi Action R.png (How Wonderfully Picaresque) Taichi Action R+.png (Premonition of Blooming) Taichi Comedy SR.png (Premonition of Blooming) Taichi Comedy SR+.png (Skateboard Boy) Taichi Serious SSR.png (Skateboard Boy) Taichi Serious SSR+.png



    (Longing for Autumn) Taichi Comedy N Transparent.png (Rehearsal) Taichi Serious R Transparent.png (How Wonderfully Picaresque) Taichi Action R Transparent.png (Premonition of Blooming) Taichi Comedy SR Transparent.png (Skateboard Boy) Taichi Serious SSR Transparent.png

    Full Body

    200px Taichi Fullbody.png Taichi Uniform Fullbody.png Taichi Rehearsal Fullbody.png Taichi How Wonderfully Picaresque Fullbody.png